Wednesday, March 01, 2006

*Confirmed* Midway to have one Revolution game ready by end of year

One of the phrases every Nintendo fan is anxious to hear is "We will have a Revolution title this year." Those exact words were spoken by the CEO of Midway Games, David Zucker, in a one-on-one conversation with GameSpot yesterday.

The console, which has been shrouded in secrecy since it was unveiled at May's Electronic Entertainment Expo, hasn't had much in the way of announced games for it yet. For the Nintendo faithful, even the smallest tidbits of information on Revolution games are as valuable as gold.

While Zucker didn't give away the game's title, it might not be what gamers expect. Midway currently has four next-gen games announced: Unreal Tournament 2007, a TNA-licensed game, The Wheelman, and Stranglehold. Both the TNA game and The Wheelman aren't expected to hit stores until 2007, and Unreal Tournament 2007 has been confirmed for this year--only for the PC.

This leaves Stranglehold as the likely option for Midway's first Revolution game. Further evidence comes from the game's trailer shown during Midway's presentation last night. The game was previously expected to be released on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC, but a bombshell was dropped at the trailer's end, when footage stated that the game would be coming to "ALL next-gen consoles." [Emphasis added.]

However, today Midway reps told GameSpot that the aforementioned project was not Stranglehold, but "another project." The rep admitted that Stranglehold may come to the Revolution at a later date (after the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions), but no plans are set yet.

Expect more details about Midway's unnamed Revolution project at this year's E3.


So its not one of the games that Midway has announced already? I don't mind because Stranglehold looked like Max Payne with better graphics and not much else.

I do hope that Unreal Tournament 2007 does come to the Revolution. If it did, it would be the best way to control the game. We shall see soon enough.

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