Friday, April 21, 2006

*Rumor* Kid Icarus Revolution concept art?

These pics were sent to me via e-mail from a person by the name of "Takai". I don't know if these are real concept arts for Kid Icarus Revolution but I thought I would post them just for the "maybe" of it. If any of you have already seen these before, please inform me so I will know if these are old or not. I don't remember seeing them in the past so I'm not sure.

There has been plenty of rumors about this game being in the making but nothing confirmed. Capcom helping out as well? I guess the truth about it is coming soon at E3.


  1. Awww... little Kid Icarus has grown up.

  2. holy shit! that fucken awesome!move over FF!!!

  3. Keep in mind before you all get excited, that this is just rumored concept art. Its not offical, it would be nice though.

  4. I know; I was just commenting on the art.

  5. You guys are all idiots. That's not Kid Icarus art at all. That's Wen Yu Li's artwork that's COMPLETELY unrelated to Nintendo.

    I've met the guy before, my friend admires him. He's a rather smug artist. He's still good though.

    Besides, why would there be any reason why Koizumi, Kotabe, Nakano (Ocarina of Time's artist, which by the way it doesn't resemble) or even Itoh would no longer be able to provide character artwork, even if it was NST or a 2nd party studio developing it?

  6. I don't doubt what you say. Besides this was sent to me via e-mail from just a random person on the internet. So, make of it what you will.

  7. That would be sweeet! I hope they're real

  8. DeAngelo Guillory is right. These have nothing to do with a new icarus. They are the work of a very talented artist. This is his art gallery.

  9. DeAngelo Guillory, no one, except for that second anonymous poster and probably morton-jn, believed those were actual concept art for the rumored Kid Icarus Revolution game. Metaldave did say right from the beginning that we should take this with a grain of salt.

    Read before you attack all of us.

  10. there is no grain of salt -

    it's work that in no way could be concept art for any Nintendo game.

    you can't just post everything that comes your way simply because it "would be nice"...

  11. I didn't know that it was fake for sure when I got it, so I posted it. Yes, now I know its fake but I'm not going to just delete my post because of it. People post fake things all the time, remember all those Revolution controller mockups? The key is too always say that its most likely fake or that you don't know if its real. Anyone can do "concept art" for any game they want and post it. When I post things that I don't know are real or not, I say so. Thats what I did with this post and I'm leaving the post as it is. I can't believe people are even getting upset about this, its not the first time we have see fake concept art and I'm not even saying its real.

  12. Could it be? No. A new Kid Icarus game for Revolution?? No. Leaked concept art from an unannounced Nintendo game??? No!

    These pictures have been floating around the Web lately, most notably on Korean game site Ruliweb, with some poorly tacked on Capcom and Nintendo logos. Tacked onto what? San Francisco based Wen-M’s personal artwork, swiped from deviantART by some hopeful Nintendo fans. Personally, I too would welcome a new entry in the Kid Icarus franchise, but not like this.

    These are fake, so tell your friends!

    More of Wen-M’s Design And Illustration

  13. I think most of us know these are fake now, even before that last post. Its ok, I don't need to look at the other art that guy did. This was just a post about this being Kid Icarus concept art and its fine that its not.

  14. his name is pit not kid icarus come on give me a break losers
