Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Gamecube had great graphics why complain about the Wii? LOOK and wake up

Over the past month or year, people on videogame forums and on the internet in general have been complaining about the Wii and its so-called low power that is considered weak when compared to the other next-gen systems. They seem to think that the games will just look like crap when compared to the PS3 and Xbox360. Let me ask you now to go back and play some of the best looking Gamecube games like Starfox Adventures, Resident Evil 4, Rouge Squadron 2 and Rebel Strike and tell me that you are not impressed by what that system can/could do.

During E3 a lot of people said the graphics on the Wii were no good because a lot of games looked like Gamecube. Does that mean that the games actually looked bad though? Not at all. People are just never satisfied with what they see. Even our beloved Joystiq is starting to say little comments in their posts on Wii games and how they don't look good compared to the other systems. What good does that do? Should we have to keep reminding ourselves that the Wii will look good? How stupid is that, when we know it will be 2-3 times as powerful as Gamecube? I don't know about you but a game that looks 2-3 times better than Resident Evil 4 is a pretty damn awesome looking game. Did we see any of that at E3? No. This is only the beginning of the Wii's life and developers are focusing on what is REALLY important and thats how well each game plays with the new revolutionary controller.

These games coming out for Wii are going to be awesome and we haven't even seen (as ATI has said) the "tip of the iceberg" yet on what the system is actually capable of in the graphics department. Nintendo has spent millions researching ways to make better graphics with less specs and less power consumption. We are going to see a system that maybe looks only a little better than Gamecube at first but once developers get some time with the real final dev kits(not just a couple of freaking months) we will start to see a bigger leap from Gamecube. Really though why make such a huge fuss over it anyway? Once you get your hands on that controller you won't be thinking about all this graphics speculation. Nintendo makes addicting and fun games, and their systems have never come up short in the graphics department. The Wii will have it all: great games, revolutionary control, and great graphics for a low price. Not good enough for you? Get over it.

Stop the graphics threads
Stop complaining
Stop worrying

Enough is enough


  1. Its now August 10th which means I'm 26 and now into my LATE 20's. Getting old.

    Anyway, I had to say SOMETHING about all these comments being made by (seems like) everyone. Graphics this, graphics that. Are you upset at the Gamecube's graphics? No? Then you won't be with the Wii either. People just need to wait and see the finished games to truly judge it.

    Xbox360's graphics? All hype. Wii is underhyped extremely in its graphics. I think thats a good thing. I expect to be blow away by Xbox360 when I see it, and when I'm not it doesn't impress me.

    When we see the Wii and look at some of the games for the first time, we will be impressed because of all this stuff being said about how it can't have good graphics and then it does. I'm looking forward to that because I know the games are going to look awesome even if everyone else doesn't.

  2. I swear, graphic whores are the bane of existance in gaming.

  3. You made a very strong post and i agree with you all the way metaldave.(ENOUGH) well said in a platter of words for anyone to compare wii to 360,ps3 its a different system,but people still compare it.

    metaldave i think you should post this topic on (joystiq) just to hear what people have to say.

  4. Perfectly put Metaldave and I am linking this story to my site now. Amazing write up!

  5. Thanks for the complements guys. I don't think Joystiq would post this story on their site because I kinda put them in a bad light. I can e-mail it to them or something but I doubt they would link to me.

    In relpy to the last comment, do you really think people will be VERY dissappointed when they see the Wii graphics compared to 360/PS3? I mean as of right now 360 doesn't look so far and away better than Gamecube. Yes it looks better but its not a quantum leap like SNES to N64.

    Let me remind you that N64 was outsold by PS1 with its pixelated graphics.

  6. I didn't say the 360 looked the same as Gamecube. I said that its not a quantum leap over it in graphics, and its not. Fight Night probably has the best graphics on 360, but only because they are putting all that detail into 2 characters at a time.

    I haven't been too impressed with its graphics so far. Thats just my opinion.

  7. You are right about those gamestores loving everything BUT Nintendo. Thankfully my Gamestop by my house actually has some Nintendo fans that work there, and it makes my shopping a lot more fun when you have someone to share your views with and not have to defend your purchase. I've seen some other stores that are supporting the Wii too. I think they may be forced to, because Nintendo's vision makes sense to a lot of people.

    There will be a lot of those 10 year olds like you say that don't know what is good and those Microsoft loving clerks will eat them alive; but the parents have a part to play as well. They look at the price and if they can get away with buying the Wii for their kid who doesn't really know better, then its a win win.

    Let me ask you this now: Do you think the difference in graphics between the Wii and 360/PS3 is bigger or smaller than the gap between N64 and PS1? Everyone knew which system had better graphics back then but the N64 still got beaten by the PS1's stong line-up of good games.

    There will be a difference that people will notice, but will they care as much anymore? I guess we will have to wait and see on that one. My guess is that they will not care quite as much, just based on the DS becoming the fastest selling console in history with graphics that are sometimes on par with N64. It makes sense.

    You must choose, but choose wisely :)

  8. I live in San Diego and the Fusion Tour is going to be here at Soma in October. They SAY that the Wii will be there but I won't believe it until I have that controller in my hand playing.

    I doubt because back in '04 they had the Fusion Tour and were supposed to be previewing the DS for all to play. I bought my ticket and when I went there all they had were Gamecube game! No DS at all. I was very upset, wasted my money. So, I hope and really hope that the Wii will really be there this time around.

  9. I think it is so funny how gamers these days only care about the visuals! if u like good graphics then you can go play a PC game for all i care :)! But cant you understand that the wii isnt built for graphics? It is a new way to play games which will attract new players or people who have NEVER played games before, i believe that this "graphical power issue" was the main abuse for the DS and people were saying the psp has brilliant graphics but honestly the gameplay matters more. The DS is selling brilliantly and so will the Wii because the two consoles change the way games are played!

  10. Graphic whores, as someone mentioned, are the bane of existance in gaming, and I agree. And game developers exploit the graphic whores because that is where the money is. Hence we are seeing a drop in quality games that focus on gameplay (story, mechancics, etc) and the rise of short-lived, mediocre and generic games with great graphics.

    There are exceptions, of course, but this is where the gaming industry as a whole is heading: graphics over gameplay = a quick bang for your dollar and huge profits for lazy developers.

  11. This is so stupid! people didnt moa about the NES! it was 8-bit! i our days its all about graphics! rather than the game!
