Saturday, October 14, 2006

Good news if you missed a Wii pre-order at Gamestop

"There have been a lot of posts lately about people being discouraged because they were unable to preorder a Wii from their local Gamestop or EB Games. Some have gone so far as to give up on ever finding a Wii on launch day. Well, I'm here to give some hope.

According to Yahoo there are currently 3,600 EB Game and Gamestop stores in the U.S. (source: Reading people's post, it appears that each store is averaging about 15 preorders (some may do more, some may do less). So if we take the number of stores (3,600) and times it by the number of preorders (15) that equals only 54,000 units have been accounted for."


I would think that Toys R Us and Walmart are going to get a huge bulk of the rest of the Wii's on launch day. You may be able to walk in without camping out to get one. There will be 1 million Wii's on launch day in North America, so 1 million minus 54,000 is.......946,000. Thats still a lot on day one.


  1. I know game crazy is getting 400,000 Wiis. This is nationwide. Someone do the math there.

  2. I haven't heard about game crazy getting 400,000 Wii's. Can you give me a link John. I'm sure there was a story I missed about that. I do know Toys R Us are getting a lot because of a previous announcment from them concerning the Wii. I just don't know how much exactly.

  3. By the way I was able to pre-order the Wii yesterday morning. I was #5 in line at EB and I put $250 down and plan to pay the tax and the rest of it on games on Nov. 19th. Great day!

  4. No problem Loyan N. That is interesting if true. Game Crazy has only been around for about 4 years or so and Gamestop has been around much longer, why would they get so much more than Gamestop? I guess if true that is good news for other people who missed out on the Gamestop pre-orders.

  5. The plan is to buy the Wii on the Midnight launch, go home and play the thing until we can't physically play anymore. I want to be dead tired after launch day. My friends and I already have that day planned out and most likely won't be doing anything else.

  6. Well Gamestop and EBgames is only getting just over 50,000 systems on launch day. The rest is going to Toys R Us, Walmart, Target, Best Buy, Circuit City, and of course Game Crazy.

    If Game On can't get a reserve because of all the bad weather in Buffalo New York, he may have to camp out on launch day. If not he MAY be able to get one by just walking into a lesser known Walmart or something and get lucky. Good luck to him.

  7. I missed the preorder but I'll be hitting my local Super Walmart at midnight (its 24 hours)

    Its kind of in a crappy part of town and no one ever thinks of it.

  8. You'd be surprised. When I tried to pre-order the Wii I thought the same thing about a certain Gamestop. When I showed up the line was already too big.

    People like to come out of hiding during these times.

  9. 10/29 I was at Toys R Us at 7:00 this morning 3 hours before they open and did not get one. They only had 19 available. Preorder at Toys R Us Sucks

  10. This is in regaurds to Loyal N I believe to be honest with u I am a GC Employee and the truth of the matter Why you see so many Game Crazy ads in Nintendo Power is because EB/Gamestop has in a nice way pissed off Nintendo by putting street dated titles and other marketing materials out before they are supposed to so therefor Nintendo takes away their bussiness and hand it over to the company that Hasn't yet pissed off Nintendo and Game Crazy and Nintendo have a very large relationship with each other...But as far as saying GC has 400,000 units is incorrect maybe u meant 40,000 which is the correct number
