Thursday, February 22, 2007

Disaster: Day of Crisis first in-game screenshot


Resident Evil 4 anyone? I'm sure we will be seeing a lot more on this game very soon. One screenshot leds to another. Can't wait to see more since this is one of the games I'm very excited to play on the Wii.


  1. I am very intrigued by this game and I can't wait to see more. I will always welcome a new IP and this one looks to be pretty decent.

  2. A lot of people are bagging on the graphics in this pic. I understand what they mean but I've come to find out that this pic was taken from a Nintendo Power from last year. So to judge the game based on a screenshot this at least 4 months old is not fair. I've seen some real time videos of the game in action and I thought it looked really really good. I can't wait to play it.

  3. I truly believe we will with those games, Disaster included. Give it some time and when its done I'm sure we'll be happy with the results.

  4. Thanks for pointing this out Dave. I KNEW I had seen this screen a long time ago but I couldn't remember where. No one else is noting the age of the screen in this news. Anyway, I'm looking forward to this one too and I really hope it is a good game.

  5. The fact that this screenshot is taken from Nintendo Power is the reason alone that the game looks like crap. Anybody who has a subscription or owns at least three issues should know that Nintendo Power takes some of the worst screenshots in any magazine publication.

    Even some of the most graphic intensive GameCube games had saturated textures and colors on the screens, as if someone smeared ink all over it.

  6. i saw videos for this games and it looks like the best wii game coming out so far.i glad to finally see some cool actin wii games coming out.The graphics are definetly a step up from normall wii games.this game is at the top of my list this year
