Wednesday, July 11, 2007

E3 2007: New Super Mario Galaxy screens

Now this game looks amazing. Talk about making other developers look bad (Dave Mirra BMX) Mario Galaxy keeps reminding us that the Wii really is a Ferrari under the hood. I hope the rumors are true about Factor 5 developing a game on the Wii also, I'm sure they are sick of the crap we are all seeing graphically on the Wii from Third Parties. November can't come soon enough!


  1. Awesome. Looks like we will have Suits making a comeback. Can't wait for that.

  2. Yeah I always loved the suits from Super Mario 3. Can't wait for this game!

  3. Looks wonderful! I cannot wait to play this game! I am eagerly anticipating the return of Mario!

  4. Yeah, I hope Factor 5 is putting some real leg-work on the Wii. I remembered they made a statement about how they were so sick of developers aren't taking the Wii's graphical capabilities seriously.
