Sunday, August 12, 2007

Metroid Prime 3 month continues with more trailers

Keep expecting more trailers as the month continues and the hype builds for Metroid.


  1. I hope the video shows the loosest level of the controls sensitivity. This looks very similar to what the Red Steel used and I personally didn't like it. I hope there will be an option to tighten the controls in the Metroid.
    Except for broken gestures I prefer the control scheme used by the Call Of Duty 3 Wii. IMHO that's so far the best FPP control scheme ever implemented in a Wii game.

  2. Matt from IGN already has said that the control in Metroid blows away Call of Duty 3 and kills Red Steel in every way. He even goes so far as to say that it has the best control of any FPS on any Console ever.

  3. Yeah the game even controlled better than Red Steel and Call of Duty at E3 2006 when I played it. You shouldn't be concerned with the game not controlling well. That is assuming they didn't get worse since 2006, which I seriously doubt.

    And this Metroid Preview Channel is making this "not watching new videos" of this game very difficult. I just hope this turns into a more full fledged and general "preview" channel with other games and demo downloads.

  4. True. I'm waiting for a demo channel to come out for Wii also. That would be really good. "Preview channel" will have to due for now.

  5. Oh man a demo channel would be awesome. I remember when they were first discussing the Wii, Iwata and the gang, they made mention of the possibility of making the Wii a DS Download Station. I think that would be really cool if the Wii struggles with memory storage. At least let us use it to download DS demos.

    I would love to try Metroid one more time before I get it next week too, not that it will actually happen, but it would be nice.
