Wednesday, August 08, 2007

New Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles scans

I know that many of you have been less excited about this game after recent play tests, but do yourself a favor and click on these screens. This game looks very impressive graphically. The amount of detail shown on the enemies faces and number of them on screen at once is really impressive, and everything is running in real-time. Its seems to look better than the E3 build we saw last month.

Also, I'm not sure if I missed something in a previous game but isn't that a new character with Jill in a couple of those pics? Feel free to post a comment to let me know if I'm mistaken on this.

One has to wonder if the Wii can output these kind of realistic graphics in real-time, what is holding back Capcom from bring RE5 to the Wii? The characters in RE5 do have better shading/lighting and maybe a little bit more detail, but honestly not a whole lot more. Developers have claimed that the Wii's graphics card is about on par with an Nvidia Geforce 2, but I don't remember any game back in day that looked as good as this does. Missing truth seems to be an ongoing problem with the Wii......


  1. defo a new character and those graphics look like they could have used a toned down resident evil 5 graphics engine

  2. Well, I'm not sure about the RE5 engine for this game but it definitley looks really good. The RE5 engine (they say) was made from the ground up for the Xbox360 and PS3 so it remains to be seen if they can get it running on the Wii also in some form.

  3. well put it this way what ever graphics engine they used its a very good start for the wii to have these graphics already and with the motion sensing controls theres no space for 360/ps3 in my house anyways,resident evil 5 has the better graphics but thats what ps3/360 were aiming for,i think the wii is far more capable than anyone knows and the difference between the two games is too little to start saying yeah but look at the graphics on res 5 too close and weve seen more of res 5 than UC so lets wait and see

  4. with UC the graphics are far exceeding what i expected i thought the graphics would be a little better than xbox but with metroid,resident evil UC,mario galaxy,smash bros,soulcalibur legends,these are just a few games you would not get these graphics out of the xbox and im sure about this the wii can do everything the 360 can do graphically but its a bit more tricky

  5. look at the bottom left hand corner of one of those scans and you will see a zombie that looks like they dragged it out of res 5

  6. Don't be so excited guys. These scans show actually nothing. Look at the screenshots available at neogaf. They clearly show that the graphics do no not go much above RE4 level (if at all). Here's the link:

  7. But despite of the graphics of UC (which I am definitely not going for since I hate on-rails shooters) I would love to see the RE5 on the Wii. Even though it will have been based on not-so-much improved RE4 engine I am going too buy it as soon as it hits stores' shelves.

  8. Yeah I know that blown up screens from NeoGAF show that the game has dithering and some jaggies. I've seen videos of this game and those are not very noticeable. Also from a standpoint of character detail RE:UC looks great, the guys at NeoGAF will shoot down any and every screen shot for any game especially a Wii game that tries to look good like this one. Have you seen the new trailer for Metroid Prime 3? Compare that with screens and it looks like a completely different game. At least these scans I have here of RE:UC were taken at a resolution thats not out of size and blown way up to show every flaw in a 480p game.

  9. Yes, I have seen those new videos. They indeed show that the Metroid Prime 3 looks great. I am happy that at last we've got a great looking game on the Wii. Or at least the US will get it really soon because Europeans (as myself) have still more than two months to wait for it.

  10. fuck off even IGN say the graphics look like the pre rendered graphics from res 4 so shut up marcin boy get to grip with things even the developer whos making res 5 said it still might be coming to wii

  11. Ouch, lets keep it clean we are all Nintendo fans here.

  12. if they bring a res 5 version to wii i dont think the graphics will take a hit one little bit the wii can delever more than we know i think but ps3 can go alot further than res5 graphics i think

  13. re5 on the wii with no real hit in graphics? Are u insane? Have you seen the extended re5 trailer? It is spectacular and don't judge a game's graphics from stills one way or another - remember the stills for red steel? Anyone who believes the wii isn't under powered is kidding them selves.

  14. I'd be fine with RE5 looking like RE Umbrella if they did that on Wii. Sure it is a hit in graphics but the game will still look good. Capcom already knows this.

  15. look guys 90% of websites have said that mario galaxy is doing things graphically the same as all 360 titles out there using all next-gen graphical tricks so are loads of people right now,battalion wars,metroid not as much but not far off,smash bros doing alot graphically the best fighting game to come with insane graphics,resident evil UC,all these games and alot more support mext-gen grphic effects.

  16. ps3 graphics on madden 08 on IGN the review read it there not impressed with the 30 frames a second and poor graphics but my point is this that doesnt mean the ps3 graphics are rubbish does it no right then i think the ps3 is the most capable graphics wise but because its not that popular the 360 will get the love from developers its the way things go and the wii stands alone which is why i got a wii i hate the comp between 360/ps3 you buy a ps3 and every game gets a better review on the 360 always got the same games how boring

  17. the graphics on the wii is miles and miles better than the current gen its just devs are being lazy you look at any game on the wii thats built from the ground up legends is looking very good,what i mean is it will stop in the next few months but devs have been porting games over to wii adding controls there not games to test the wii strengths graphics wise trust me the graphics at best will be what your seing now on the high end next gen games but in 480p you wait for red steel 2,they rushed red steel 1,to get it out for release so you wait for red steel 2 they've had more time with that

  18. I know Capcom could make a great re5 on the wii (and I'm sure they will) even if its a bit better visually than re4 it'll look great. But what game on the wii has looked visually stunning? Metriod looks like a step up from past prime games not a next gen jump. Mario Galaxy looks great but cartoon style graphics are a bit different to to the life like models you see in the extended re5 trailer.

  19. its a must for res 5 to hit the wii; the graphics may suffer in comparason with the ps3's outrageously high specs, but i really doubt after re-releasing res4 to be met by praise by critics and fans solely for the new controls, which alone has sold-out all across australia (astounding seeing as its a 2-3 year old game)... i really cant see them passing up a superior wii control scheme for res5;;;
    its not due for the x and 3 until 09 now anyway, so its best to forgedaboudit for now :)
