Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Resident Evil 5 Wii: Capcom basically says "No Comment"

Bishbish777 from the IGN Wii Lobby and the starter of the "Bring Resident Evil 5 to the Wii" Petition has posted a direct reply from the Senior Director of Strategy from Capcom regarding his plea of the petition with 21,000 signatures, and response to what needs to be done to bring RE5 to the Wii. Read the reply below:


I am someone of relatively high authority over issues like this (yes, believe it or not even being in the US I have daily discussions over future product strategy with both Japanese and US R&D folks and our executive team worldwide).

Your petition is a great effort and we greatly appreciate the passion you've shown to the RE brand. I'm pleased you've made the effort and I'd like to thank you for it if it was your doing.

As with pleas for several other Wii projects from fans, we certainly recognize that there is a demand for RE5 on the Wii. Your petition further validates our assumptions (as do the weekly posts in our Ask Capcom section that effectively ask the same thing). I locked your post because these threads inevitably become circular arguments among fans that are repetitive and non-constructive.

At the same time, there really is nothing more I or anyone else at Capcom can do about it at this time (it doesn't matter how high up the chain you go). We are 100% completely out of appropriate development resources to do additional projects in the near term beyond what's currently in the pipeline.

Does that mean it might not happen eventually in spite of the hardware challenges? Well, we don't know yet. And because we don't know, for us to say "sure, we'll do it" and set off slews of speculation and/or even potential heartbreak if the project never comes to be, doesn't do our fans or us any favors.

So for now, I continue to focus on what we know and that is that RE5 is coming to 360 and PS3. To say anything beyond that at this time really wouldn't be fair to you or the rest of the fans.

That doesn't mean you shouldn't still hope or be vocal. It just means we can't make any statements or commitments regarding RE5 for Wii.



I am a member of the "Ask Capcom" forum and I have seen that everything he is saying is true. You don't know how many topics have been made in that forum and in forums across the world saying "Capcom needs to bring RE5 to the Wii" they are literally everywhere. The good news is that Capcom is finally taking notice of this and the big petition. He says to not give up hope and that they cannot confirm or deny RE5 on the Wii yet because it really is a possibility with the demand rising and the awareness of Capcom. It is just safer for them at this point to not make any extra announcements on the game coming to any other system besides 360 and PS3. Add this to the interview I posted below with Factor 5 on the Wii's graphic power, I can see a connect the dots situation rising.

If you ask me, it is only a matter of time before Resident Evil 5 is Wii bound.


  1. I think it's a definite to come out but will prob be maybe a year after the PS3 and 360 releases.

    God knows it's needed with some of the sh*t that's been released so far!

  2. Hahahaha, I guess so. There is a demand for this game on the Wii though and what people don't realize is that most "Hardcore" gamers have a Wii/360 so to think it won't sell is crazy.

  3. Isn't RE5 not coming out for the 360 and PS3 until 2009? If we don't get RE5 on the Wii until a year after that then to be honest I'm not sure it will matter much for the next long while.

    At this point it would be okay to assume that anyone who has purchased RE4 for the Wii would buy it plus whoever else. So Capcom has at least 700,000 some sales for the game already. At least I think that's what RE4 Wii Edition has sold so far. Is that a safe assumption?

  4. It's now closer to 800,000 worldwide for RE4 Wii, so yeah those sales plus the fact that it is RE5. It would probably sell 1 million easy on Wii. As far as 2009 for RE5,(I thought it was late 2008) I think Capcom could pull some strings and get the game out within a reasonable time frame after the release of the PS3 and 360 versions.

  5. Whenever it does come out i will buy it, but im hoping “please capcom let it out for the wii”.

  6. didnt you guys know about thr gamebryo graphics engine has been ported to wii this engine is what made oblivion so there is no problem with graphics anymore not that there was i see alot of amazing looking visuals coming out on wii with out this game engine but as far as res 5 this is a very easy task now dosnt matter if its built from ground up still be able to port to wii

  7. Yes I know about the Gamebyro engine ported to the Wii. RE5 isn't running on that engine so I really don't think you can think of that as a related story. Its great news no doubt, being that 360 games will be able to be ported over without making the game from the ground up for the Wii. RE5 is a different matter that may take some more effort but it certainly can be done.

  8. look mate im saying that this graphics engine makes for some amazing graphics do u agree just think of the possibilities they have also the cinema tool,this is a new tool too make better use of in game fmv's and make it easier to get full widescreen out of the games made in the future but that graphics engine is basically the oblivion game engine lets hope that red steel 2 is top notch

  9. The Gamebyro engine has been ported to the wii, yes. Has anyone seen screens or video? No. Just becuase a engine has been ported does not mean it will look exactly the same as the original. There are other hardware factors outside of the engine alone which will effect the final result (shaders, texture memory & quality, view distance etc etc etc). If wii-obilivion were to be released I doubt it would be look even close to the 360/ps3 versions (especially without anti-alising). Just like running the same game on different spec pc's would look compeletly different. But to be fair i agree with the factor 5 interview, how can a system more powerful than a gamecube not have on average games that look as good or better than games like re4 or rogue squaderon.

  10. I mean the wii can do awsome graphics but the designers are too lazy because they want people to overcome the grafics and replace it with gameplay which is good but, wii is able to have good grafics coz if you see the game endless ocean the grafics are insane on it

  11. RE is a kick ass series and if they did put RE5 for the Wii i would buy it for sure.

  12. Agree Look at this End of 2008 it was suppose to be out then out of nowhere now 2009 after they got the petition of all the wii people wanting it..... Hmmm Catching on...... they wont say it but it probably got pushed back to 2009 cause the wii verison is coming out at the same time.

    If this comes out you can bet your last dollar i will get this game for sure!

    Please Capcom

  13. why is it coming out for the 360? RE4 was out for the gamecube originally... then the PS2, but never the X box, so why are they giving it to microsoft and not nintendo, i think there a bunch of idiots who will lose money if it doesn't get released on the wii.

  14. RE5 for wii= MUST

  15. Maybe CAPCOM should start thinking that if they won't start working their ass of to port RE5 on wii they would loose a bunch of freaking money.... thats for sure!

    maybe they can put RE5 in 2 discs..

  16. And besides the RE5 wii version might be more way better than the xbox360/ps3 versions inspite of its graphics. Its because RE5 is made for WII
    I mean if I would have to choose which game I would have to play if it is RE5 wii or RE5 360/ps3 I will basically say RE5 WII
    because playing RE4 or RE5 with a game controller freaking sucks...

  17. We should put up a billboard that says "Resident Evil 5 for Wii!"

  18. Are you a Wii owner that’s sick of Xbox 360 and PS3 getting all the great games? If so, you’re in the right place. There are 3 important things you can do to get Resident Evil’s publisher and developer Capcom to consider releasing RE5 on the Wii.

    #1. Sign the online petition for free at
    It has over 35,000 signatures already. There is no spam emails after you sign the petition. There is also a link at the bottom of that page where you can ‘send petition to a friend’. Make sure you send the page to all your friends, whether or not they have a Wii.

    #2. Purchase Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition if you haven’t already. It has sold over 1 million copies worldwide since its release on July 5, 2007. For more information on the game please visit;title;0

    #3. Purchase Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles if you haven’t already. It has sold over 950,000 copies worldwide since its release on December 13, 2007. For more information on the game please visit;title;0

    Please copy and paste this entire post in a new bulletin (MySpace), in a comment to your friends (MySpace, Facebook), aswell as in an email to everyone on your mail list.

  19. i agree with u lot re4 sold crazy and capcom are deniing that re5 will sell crazy on wii heck im 10 and i love re4 wii

  20. After comparing from playing RE 4 for the gamecube then the wii. I must say I'm now hooked on the wii features, if RE 5 only comes out for 360 and PS3, I have no desire now to buy it.

  21. Thank you Jez! In both your comments I think everyone can agree to what you said and Capcom will gain a whole lot of money depending if they're smart enough to release RE 5 for the wii.

  22. considering that the first REs were exclusive to nintendo, its bull that number 5 isnt. Number 4 was such a huge success for the wii it would be crazy for them not to realese it. am i right?

  23. I got kicked off of the capcom forums for "dragging conversations down to console war battlefronts", but other people were insulting the wii and it's owners and I was just standing up for the little guy(that's us)and appearantly it's ok to insult wii-owners,but not the Ps3/360.If any of you have been over there,I was once known as Walter88

  24. It shouldn't matter what system you are talking about an opinion is an opinion. Unless you were using foul language then I don't see why they kicked you out (besides them being biased)

  25. The moderator is biased,he's like a dirty cop!.He basically says"Yo,360/PS3 owners;go insult the wii and all the people who own it,and when they retaliate,I'll ban them!"what a corrupt bastard

  26. That GreyFox was complaining about repeat threads about RE5 on the wii,saying"it was annoying the members",when in fact we ,the wii owners were members too.I wonder if he even considers wii owners to be members?.Whoever let thet prick moderate for them was probably on crack,or drunk.

  27. i think your all forgetting that nintendo and capcom arn't the best of friends at the minute (which is why nintendo aint put any capcom characters in ssbb) i definitely think wii is capable of the resi5 graphics as resi4 shows us! but i carn't help but think that capcom will not release it for wii for spite!and as for them losing money if they don't well.... i doubt they care!!

  28. Yeah,I would've loved playing as Leon in Brawl,but I'm more pissed off a t Capcom for not announcing this game for the wii in the first place

  29. i totally agree and as much as it pains me to say (because i have followed the resi series from the beginning and even re bought them on different formats) we wii owners do have some great games coming up like ssbb, disaster day of crisis sounds good and alone in the dark which from screen shots i've seen look pretty detailed in graphics! so lets think positive and if resi5 hits the BEST SELLING GAMES CONSOLE then its a bonus!

  30. I wan't this game on the wii more than I want all the money in the world

  31. me too but sometimes we carn't always have what we want!
    but i'm still hopeful that it will come to wii with resi4 selling well on it!

  32. I know I can't have everything i want,but I'm prepared to rally up all the support for this cause as I can and march to the Us Capcom HQ with megaphones,picket signs,the works,just to ensure the possibility that this can happen

  33. i say go for it mate if you want it that bad lol
    i'm sure it wilt happen.
    and if you want some resi5 clips which are brilliant go onto youtube and type in resident evil 5 clips! you should like them

  34. I hope your not being sarcastic,because if you are,I will...Never mind I hope your right!.Because Imaine if you


  35. ha ha just check the clips out and let me know what ya think

  36. Pretty good clips!,the game looks great,even the wii version would be amazing,with being more powerful than anything from the last generation

  37. told you they would be good!
    and if ya a fan of mortal kombat games then you'll be glad to hear that number 8 is in development and looks great it should be out in november!it has been re named to mortal kombat vs dc universe which from the title u should guess it is very different-thats rite u got it batman and superman will be some of the heros making an appearnce from the dc universe!take a look on u tube!the hole game is completely different the fighting styles are gone even maybe....dun dun dun....fatalities!!!!but there will be some kind of finish's!

  38. Never Played Mortal Kombat, but pulling someones spine out while the announcer says "FATALITY!" has got to be satisfying!.Anyway,I heard this cool quote:"Ideas spread better when watered by the blood of martyrs".Pretty appropriate when it comes to the wii and RE5,considering we face persecution from wii-haters,don't ya think?

  39. i think thats spot on pal we'll get it i've got a good feeling about resi5 i kinda think why make a game this huge for only too formats then say they may not be able to port it to wii wen i'm sorry but assains creed was ported to the ds for fcuk sake lol

  40. Well said!.It's a good thing everyone here is on the same page(for the most part)The wii is a great console,with great graphics and I strongly believe that everyone with a current-gen console should be able to enjoy this amazing game(Probably not possible on last gen systems)regardless of the game company they're loyal to,or if you just want it for superior controls,or even just if you can't afford a 360 or PS3,whatever.For the PS3 owners to ask for the exclusitivity of this game on their console is just plain selfish.

  41. it sure is selfish!just look at how many copies of resi4 it sold on wii that after selling abig amount on gamecube!lets look at how many wii's have sold since release if my figures are correct its over 18 million by alot i think now lets look what we can do with our little wii-internet,gamein on and offline,download movies,music,and more vc games plus now wii software oh then we have the motion controls photo channel which i think is kinda cool and some great games coming up!
    i must say i thought nintendo would treat this like gamecube and start to slow momentum on games which in turn gives us a short life but wii has been going 4over a year and it shows no sign of slowing!i think nintendo have lots more secrets up there sleeve!(fingers hurt now lol)

  42. All good points,my friend!.Can you imagine the faces of wii haters everywhere if(when)RE5 is announced for the wii?.My guess is that they'll all lock themselves in their closets,their thumbs in their mouth,in the fetal positions while crying out loud.Now I don't hate the 360/PS3,but after all the booing I've gotten about this,I've come to expect nothing but hate from them.Which is wierd,because I've hardly ever heard of Nintendo loyalists harping on PS/X-BOX fans.I think it's fair to say that THEY started this.

  43. they sure did and let me be the first to say that WE ARE GOING TO BE THE ONES TO FINISH IT!
    and yeah they will all probably do just that and you know what i'd love to see it!i think there just loyal to there console just like we are but at least we didn't start this little war!i think they did because there shitin themselves ha ha

  44. I like your enthusiasm!.It's been awhile since I've seen that kind of zeal from anyone other than myself.It's good to know that I'm not the only one giving it my all to see this through.If you ask me,getting RE5(and other big games)on the wiiwould cut off the head off this
    proverbial snake,ending thesedebates and allowing wii owners to live in equality with Xbox360/PS3 owners.

  45. Hey!,how come no one's postin' no mores?

  46. Probably because there are 2 other Resident Evil 5 Wii topics on my site that give even more detail than this one. Thanks for all of you comments everyone.

  47. is RE5 comin to wii or not if it is theres goin to be a big party u know i used to hate resident evil but now i love cause of RE4 for the wii but i was for and scarred of everythingbut now i love scarry things all cause of RE4 except that mirrer movie now all my mirres give me looks and i hate itso i hope RE5 comes to wii and if u think that was wired email me my emails are and and say shutup u turcky

  48. a wii version would be awesome,even if the graphics a little toned down,i don't care i would buy and play until my hands fall off.

    also the conduit looks awesome

  49. think we should ALL not buy it for the ps3 or 360. Id rather play it for the wii, I don't mind if the graphics get toned down, I just like the better controls:)
    I have decided to wait it out and not buy it for any other system. if it never comes then ima give a big fuck you to the ass that made that decision.

  50. They should bring it out for wii because umbrella chronicles and RE4 were really 2 great games and it would be even greater if RESIDENT EVIL 5 does end up coming out for wii so in conclusion please please please pleeeeeeeeeeeease capcom bring RESIDENT EVIL 5 out for wii

  51. RE5 should come out for the wii because it wasn't fair for what happened to RE4. RE4 was a gamecube exclusive, then it came out on the PS2 (WTF!!!).

  52. I know like 20 people personally that would buy RE5 on Wii and 100`s others on the internet that would too.
    Making RE5 for Wii is no mistake!!!!!!!!!!

  53. Hello everybody at capcom, I personally would like to thank you for putting resident evil 4 on the nintendo wii. However im also devastated that you didnt put 5 on said console. If anybody from capcom reads this i beg you to put 5 on the wii please!! I know i lot of people that have the wii, waited for five to come out, and then had their hopes crushed and i am one of them any body who agrees that what i said is true post (I)

  54. With a prestigious elder, Resident Evil 5 had a double challenge: to succeed in an action games the most important of the previous generation, and prove to everyone that the gameplay could bear the weight of years. Read more from the whole guide for Resident Evil 5 Walkthrough Tips and Cheats at:

  55. i know resident evil 5 would be awesome on the wii hope to see it soon.

  56. hope to see resident evil 5 for the wii i would buy it for sure .
