Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Disaster: Day of Crisis screens

It lives!


  1. I'm really disappointed with the game's visuals. This title was supposed to exhibit the Wii's graphical strengths, at least that's what I was told.

    Maybe it's because the screenshots are too dark, or it looks better in motion, but I don't see any considerable improvements compared to other Wii games I've seen in the past.

    However, graphics don't determine the game's overall quality, and I hope the gameplay stands out.

  2. I agree, the game looks impressive in some screens but bland in others. The game still seems to be along way off though so it could improve immensely by the time it's released next year. With such large environments too, small details may go by the wayside even though I hope they still iron them out in the end.

  3. I still have really no clue what this game's all about. Is it a sand-box style game or a more level based action/adventure game? The game intrigues me, don't get me wrong, I just know far too little to get too excited. Graphics should be cleaned up by next year for sure.

  4. you can tell its going to look amazing ive got faith in this one

  5. uWvYHQ Your blog is great. Articles is interesting!

  6. fl7BZL Please write anything else!

  7. actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.

  8. Wonderful blog.

  9. Please write anything else!

  10. Z1V7WU Magnific!

  11. there look at that for graphics they just rock, easyly going to be best on wii
