Friday, November 30, 2007

New No More Heroes clips


  1. this looks like a game that has had some hard work put into it resuling in a top notch game im getting it no matter what the reviews

  2. If you like the style of the game, then I don't see why anyone should not buy this game. From what I've seen it looks fun.

  3. im buying this day one!

  4. I'm only slightly skeptical of this game after playing Killer 7. I am in the half that loved the style (who didn't?) but thought the game handled awkwardly. From what I've seen the game appears to have more traditional controls so maybe it will be a purchase for me. Other than the potential of crazy controls, this game looks great.

  5. Yeah, No More Heroes looks to be very traditional control with only the style and Wii remote actions being different from other games. Not to mention the gore is over the top.
