Monday, November 05, 2007

Super Mario Galaxy US commercial


  1. I wonder if Nintendo will ever update the idea and concept behind their commercials for the Wii. I find them becoming more and more "blah" than ever. And from a marketing stand point, you don't want "blah."

    Then again, you also want a recognizable theme or image. All I can say is, aside from the Galaxy footage that was awesome, I'm pretty sick of people with fake smiles playing the Wii.

  2. Yeah but the Wii sells itself really. Everyone has got to have that remote for themselves. I remember when I was getting my Wii replaced, I was really missing the Wii remote. That is one of the best inventions of the new millennium in my opinion.

  3. Been thinking of getting a PS3 purely for Call of Duty 4, Metal Gear Solid 4 and RES Evil 5 but don't know if I can imagine reverting back to a normal control pad. After playing RES and Metroid with the wii mote there is no better control method in my opinion for those types of game.

  4. your thinking of what fps on a ps3 is a slow out dated clunky experiance fps on wii is perfection WAKE UP MAN
