Saturday, December 22, 2007

Wii Virtual Reality is real! Amazing!!!

Could this be the last secret of the Wii that was just stumbled upon by a smart College student? It very well could be!

This is no joke my friends! Can you imagine a game like RE: Umbrella Chronicles being played like this, or any First Person Shooter for that matter??? Absolutely amazing, my eyes popped out of my head when I first watched this! That is so easy to do, I can't believe no one thought of that before (besides Nintendo but they still haven't said anything). Give that guy a job and lets get cracking on some games that take this idea and put it to use. Complete genius.

You can download Johnny Chung Lee's software here:

Try this for yourself and let me know your experiences.


  1. I think a came a little... Well off to change my pants. In all seriosness totally amazing. My mouth is still a gape.

  2. I know...using the Wii remote as the 3D camera is awesome. I always knew that the Wii remote had an infrared sensor but I guess I didn't put 2 and 2 together and realize that it was a camera too, I just wasn't considering that. When he put the original sensor bar back and used another Wii remote with it to have the pointer AND the 3D together, I was even more amazed. I really hope a developer makes a game that uses this method!!!

  3. I think I am correct about this, but might not be; You could do it the other way around, but the Wiimote is used as a camera because it's easier to build two Infra-red LEDs into the headpiece than an Infra-red camera.

  4. Oh crap. "Gamer over" for Sony and Microsoft if Nintendo has VR intentions. Seriously...

  5. The next 3-5 years in the current console wars wil be interesting indeed. I'll say it again, I love pretty graphics, and uber photo-realistic graphics are certainly welcome, but as far the actual gaming experience, Nintendo's console/controller has so much more "revolutionary" potential. If gaming history repeats itself, Nintendo usually sets the trend in true innovation. It's no wonder that Sony & Microsoft are both scrambling to get "their version" of the wiimote out the door.
    Kudos to Nintendo. Regardless of platform, all FPS fans should be rejoicing. It's amazing that this "...little engine that could...", known as the Wii, has literally caught the gaming industry/market off guard.

  6. i love amasing graphics too but i hate the whole photo real if thats what people want open your front door PRESTO realality hmmmmmmmmmmm

  7. So do you need a special monitor or screen for this or is it just a trick that can be done on any TV? If it's any TV then this is simply awesome. Well, it sweet anyway but it would be better if you don't need a special TV.

  8. No special TV needed, it is all done with the Wii remote and the sensor bar. Amazing stuff.

  9. Well aside from multiplayer, which he mentioned in the video, it could be really sweet. I would imagine the effect would be better on a larger TV, which I have. So I'm excited for about 4 years from now when this becomes a reality.
