Friday, February 08, 2008

Ninja Reflex Trailer

This game actually looks fun, not to mention the graphics are beautiful also. Yet another game that may sell just based on the wacky mini-games. This one may be worth it however.


  1. so why not make a hardcore action adventure ninja game EA why the mini game wii is casual bull shit yet again just like boogie you have a flop on ur hands

  2. To anonymous-

    If this game does flop then spent a much smaller amount of money on it. If it succeeds then they make even more money then they would otherwise. It sucks, I know, but that's the reason.

  3. It looks like they did spend some time on the graphics.....but I actually think this game looks fun. I know, I KNOW we want the hardcore more but right now we are getting both (No More Heroes is so good). Call of Duty 5 will be coming to the Wii this year, so it's nice that it won't be ignored this time like it was with COD4.

  4. metal dave its allso anounced for ps2 so expect cod5 wii to be a lame no money spent ps2 port it wont be no wii game cod 3 was ps2 version wiified the 3rd party desese seems to be continuing
