Monday, March 31, 2008

The Sky Crawlers video interview and in-game footage

All in Japanese but you get a good glance at the gameplay and nice plane models. The Ace Combat team seems to be taking advantage of the Wii's capabilities in both graphics and control and are obviously building the game from the ground up for it. We need more games like this for the Wii, it's too bad that the PS2 simply won't die and developers continue to just port over a PS2 version of a game with waggle and call it a day....


  1. What's with the big dildo like attachments that have been appearing on the Wii-mote in recent adverts etc.?!

  2. It's a wiimote accessory that you can order free of charge at I have order 4 of them myself. Feels really comfortable and it has more grip

  3. I ordered a bunch and have yet to take them off, aside from charging my Wiimotes of course, because they make the controller feel so much better.
