New Monster Hunter 3 screens for you to enjoy. Any fans of Phantasy Star Online here? This game seems to work very similar but as you can see looks very different. With unique Wii controls and 4 player online (like Phantasy Star) Monster Hunter 3 might be one of those games that you can play for years and years, upgrading and upgrading your characters. Do want!!!
By the way I don't want to hear that "these screens look horrible" or "Shitty" since anyone knows (if you own a Wii that is) that Wii games will always look worse in screen shots and the jaggies will be easy to see in them.
Take a look at the trailer from MH3 a few posts down and you'll see that it doesn't matter, this game looks awesome.
so true about screen grabs etc,, its the same on ds (suming to do with how they display there graphics grabs single frames look jaggy but in motion its fine)....
metriod prime 3 looks like a ps2 low end game in net still pictures LOL..
that @ 30 frames will look lush @ 60 frames ill faint
great update i have more fun comming here than most big sites and you allways do a good job
just one thing this blog fails a lot on wii brouser that memory full thing i dont know why
maybe you wont to check it out your end...
this game looks ace and like you say may have years of gameplay in it
Thanks for the complement my friend.
This blog fails because your Wii can't load the content? hahahahaha
Well I do have a lot of embeded movies here so I guess I can understand that issue. I don't surf the net on my Wii, it's just not very useful for me. My Wife does but for her its just to watch YouTube on TV....
yeah your sites hd and wii is underpowered LOL HAHA yip yip
i think its a blog thing and all those embedded videos are probably why, i couldn't believe it wen your monster hunter 3 vid worked on my wii as pc was busy what format video is it
my partner is at 96% prime 3 good old gamer girl she is and she is 40 years old, loves ds/wii she says shes a big torok fan and loves fps on wii
just saying i like this blog as its never to busy and the videos work and you get them quickly
i have a habit of finding stuff before the sites you sem to get there quickly also and put it all in blog i think u do a great little job compared to other blogs
your the next gonintendo lol
oh that kids fps nerf game by ea is looking dreadful its overly kiddy and seems to have boom blox graphics it looks truly horrible and generic i thought the concept was cool but EA have ea-ed it to death it looks so gay and overly family friendly why carnt 3rd partys make family universal games cool like nintendo does
ok ill leave now pro evo wii time online
Thanks again guys for the complements.
I know Kevin from Gonintendo (really nice person) but I doubt I’ll ever be the next Gonintendo lol. I can’t update my site every 5 minutes like Rawmeat does, I just don’t have the time in my daily life to just update my site constantly. That is how Kevin’s site got so popular so fast – the updates. You can’t go through a day without checking Gonintendo for something you may have missed. Am I right?
I’m comfortable with blogging, I like writing how I feel and getting good feedback from you guys. I also like showing videos that some sites can’t because they get in trouble for doing so. I’ve never gotten in trouble from any companies for posting scans from magazines or “embargoed” videos that shouldn’t be posted.
Being an independent Blogger is fun and has it’s rewards for sure!
Those screens are so pretty.
Come on Wii Speak compatiblity..............
Yeah totally....trying to comunicate in Phantasy Star Online was a pain on Gamecube, hopefully Wiispeak will be put in and you won't have that problem anymore.
ign cod 5 wii gameplay videos are available 3 of them its near x360 just like they said looks cool
those screens are stretched
The Wii is capable of widescreen you know....
I won't be posting those Call of Duty World at War videos because they are not full screen and you can't see the true colors of the game or how good it really looks. Yes, it looked very good but for my site it was too far off-screen for me to post.
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