Either Sega knows how to take Wii screen shots or they are really putting their best effort into this project (a little of both?). Yes some of the enemies have a little lower polygon count and these screens are being taken with anti-aliasing or higher resolution, but the detail and textures do tell the truth. This game is one to look out for.
Nice! I can hardly believe my eyes!
Go Sega!
wait a second there wii graphics coming out of wii hardware!! JESUS WAS THAT SO HARD TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH 3RD PARTYS.............
fingers crossed sonic gets a good showing in 3d for once
I love the grass and clouds more than anything. Repeating the same little 2D graphic over and over in different directions has never looked so good. Twilight Princess could have used some of that.
Still holding out for some gameplay footage to see if the game is even any good though.
Now that there'z some dadburn purty graphyxs! Seriously, those screenshots now convince me there really is a "Ferarri" under the hood. It's about time. The Wii is truly the little badass after all...
Everything looks great: models, landscapes,skybox,grass shader, textures(so sharp!)
To bad its Sonic game:/
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