Here's a nice way to start your Monday with a whole lot of The Conduit. The game will be released in a few months from now and the excitement level is still going strong and getting more momentum all the time. It's funny seeing so many user videos on YouTube about how The Conduit is going to be the best fps ever when it's not even finished yet. I'm not expecting this game to fully live up to the hype that has surrounded it, but it is my most anticipated Wii game for 2009.
looking cool and the gang,, i think this is going to be a halo 3 killer.. controls will be so far ahead of ps3 x360 and graphically its up there, i just would not play the out dated way anymore its LAST GEN
I agree, stick control for FPS game goes all the way back to the N64 era with Goldeneye, and with The Conduit taking what has worked best for previous FPS games on the Wii and also adding new things (wii-motionplus) should make it very similar or maybe even better than PC FPS control. We'll see soon enough.
In terms of graphics MetalDave do you think it's as good as Halo 3.
Was Halo 3's graphics even that good? I don't remember anything special, just better textures and HD resolution. A marginal at best step up from Halo 2.
I can't compare a game that's not finished to a game that's finished either, also the game will not be in HD so there's another reason to not compare the two.
In terms of Wii games, it will probably be one of the best looking games.
ID PUT WIIS FPS CONTROLS WAY ABOVE PC, for one analog stick utterly destroys bashing 4way on a pc keyboard as keyboard is below d-pad then analog is clearly another step up and lets not forget nintendos analog sticks are always the best..
wiimote 3d mouse is just that 3d mouse pc is 2d mouse not 3d also wiimote is free its pure point and move mouse is mounted on a desk top flat and very restrictive its also very hard to learn and pick up vs wiimote and nunchuck
then add 3d motion support and soon advanced 3d motion plus support A PC SIMPLY CANNOT MATCH THAT AT ALL
IMMERSION: pc offers no immersion wii offers loads 3d motion and a realtime sound speaker in your hand combining sound effects with surround sound also the weght and feel of wiimote can be played with offering different levels of feel so you can have a twitchy quake 3 arina feel or a heavier metroid prime 3 feel WHY WOULD YOU WANT THE FEEL AND FEED BACK TO BE THE EXACT SAME IN EVERY FPS LIKE IT IS ON PC
thats my take on it anyway lol
I'm just talking about the accuracy of the pointer being similar to how acurate a mouse is on PC. I guess I should have explained it a little more clearly. Wii controls do feel way different than PC game for FPS game.
I must really have vision problems because this game looks awesome. I don't understand how some people can claim this game looks like a ps2 game.
In regards to Halo 3 comparison..I was never impressed with Halo 3's graphics, I agree with Dave, however, that we should wait until we see this game on our own TV's before we can pass judgement. But if nothing else the games are comparable, which in and of itself is a hell of an accomplishment.
is it just my computer or are the ingame videos just big blocks of pixels (asking about video qaulity not the games graphics)
I really like his shiny gloves, lol.
Yeah that's YouTube for ya, you're not going to get the best quality from them. The content is what I like.
That interview has some really interesting info. I'm pumped to see what comes from the online multiplayer aspect of the game since I have Wii Speak now and it'll be the first action game that uses it.
the skin and vains on his hands is amazing epic stuff not seen skin rendered that good on any game before this trust me that skin looks real and the future is supernova for HVS wow they should make an open world game aswell with us not getting God Father 2 which doesnt look to great anyway to show them EA that u have to use wii specific engine to make wii graphics shine like the other 2 always using excuses you would think that devs are downgrading wii graphics on pupose to help sales of ps3/360 like they will do all they can to stop the wii doing even better and keep being proved wrong anf still persist i think when they have budgets like 30-40 million on 360/ps3 and try making a wii game for 9 million its no comparison if they used the same budget for wii the games would look better with there being no high res to deal with tactics is all i see with certain devs hope ubisoft go bankrupt fot not building a powerfull enough game engine for wii 1 potential epic game in 3 and a half years RS2 wow is that all whenthey need the wii we wont need them trust me conduit 2,madworld 2,ect move away all you third partys that dont try midway should have used a different game engine for MK to make it wii compatable they learnt the hard way
"if they used the same budget for wii the games would look better with there being no high res"
Which is why the Wii is hopeless when it comes to graphics.
Say what you want about high-definition, it helps with graphics far more than anyone can even comprehend. Take a look at the resolution difference between standard-def and high-def at any electronics stores, displaying HDTV's. The differences are clear as day. High-definition has not only improved graphics, but it also set a new standard for this generation, which is why the Wii will never look good.
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