Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers - new trailer

It's about time we found out that this game was still in existence! The opening southern music in the trailer I'm not a fan of, but the gameplay and graphics look top notch. Hopefully this means it will be released soon since it looks very far along in development.


  1. just seen this at i made my way here knowing full well it would be here to LOL......

    art direction looks fantastic graphics look fantastic game looks huge and epic wii controls are fully supported AND THANK GOD IT AINT TURN BASED OR FMV RELIANT AND THE CHARACTERS DONT LOOK LIKE SUPER MODEL CROSSED WITH EMO/GOTHS COUGH EVERY FF ON A SONY CONSOLE.....

    have you noticed its only on Nintendo platforms that ff is not over teen cool or overly fmv reliant and the game play is not turn based and is better for multi play and online THE WAY FF IS SUPPOSED TO BE

    welcome home final fantasy welcome back to gameplay/innovation

    not look at the cool teenagers in the FMVS like the crap sony versions

    gaming is what matters not sonys fake cool and tell a story in long winded cut seens

  2. well done this is better than ps3 ff games by far turn based who needs it this is what im talking about cant wait geezer wow GRAPHICS AND GAMEPLAY LOOK AMAZING IS IT ME OR ARE THERE LIKE 20 GAMES ALL INTERESTING WITH GREAT IF NOT AMAZING GRAPHICS AND CONTROLS COMING OUT IN 2009 PEOPLE WAKE UP THIS YEAR IS GOING TO BE THE YEAR OF ALL YEARS

  3. Wow! I have been waiting to see whatever came of Crystal Bearers. It looks great!
    I agree the music doesn't really match - conceptually the game SCREAMS "epic" so personally, I would prefer full orchestration.
    I am definitely going to buy this!
    I'm digging the lead character loosening up/rolling the shoulder before battle. It adds a bit of charm/humor ala "Bruce Lee".

  4. look every body over there coming towards us is it a bird is it a plain is it superman, no its final fantasy on a Nintendo platform with actual game play and in game story telling not 24 hours of fmv followed with 1 hour of turn based crap gaming and long load times

    gaming is winning -hype is dieing THANK U NINTENDO

  5. If all the fighting in this game is truly not turn-based it will go a long way towards me wanting it. I have never been a big traditional RPG fan but if the combat is a little more action based I could see myself picking this game up.

  6. Holy crap that looks awesome.

  7. ECC here :)

    have to say i love the art style and im happy its not turn based.

    this is going to be the Wiis best year so far.

  8. Great trailler.
    Looks like the next killer app for Wii.

    Sony haters here much?
    Get a grip on yourselves, why do you hate sony so much? Square-Enix made those "sony" Final Fantasy games that you seem to love to hate, and live to find more reasons to hate. Chill out dudes. No reason to be a hater.

    FFCC Crystal Bearers is not an RPG, and no part of that trailler makes it look like one. This is the start of a new direction for Square-Enix, they seem to be leaning towards the action/adventure side of things which is very nice. This game will sell better than an RPG if that is the case, and surely that was the point.

    Square-Enix may be "back" with Nintendo, but that doesn't mean you have to all act like jerks, and in fact, if they are back it's purely because they want in on the huge market Nintendo has just created. I expect great things from the new partnership, however I'm not going to gloat at ps3 owners. Jeez...
