Friday, January 09, 2009

Monster Hunter 3 - new screens

Looking even better than the last time I saw new screens for the game. The video interview below talks about how Capcom really tried to make this the best looking Wii game out there, and they may be right on track by the time it's released.


  1. wow wow wow got to come to EUROPE capcom its only fair this along with a new resident evil 5.5 and SF4

  2. It's amazing how CAPCOM can crank out visuals at this level and yet release Dead Rising screenshots that somewhat disappoint. I hope to God they release this stateside! I'm still hoping CAPCOM surprises us with the final version of Dead Risng. Monster Hunter 3 should make every gamer check out the Wii!

  3. Wow this is an awesome looking game period. Not "Looks good for a WIi game" It looks good PERIOD. Anyone believing PS2 has anything in its library comparable is dellusional.

  4. yes a system at least 5 x a ps2 in power and 10x easier to code would result in ps2 graphics

    shut up jealous fool

    gamecubes res evil 4 was plus 2x the ps2 version how is wii weaker by some kind of sony fanboy magic or something

  5. 360 graphics 480p

  6. It appears to me that Anonymous(3) is arguing with Arius Dion not aware of the fact that he is arguing the same thing.

    Careful of the friendly fire there boys.

  7. Graphics are very PS2-ish. The game looks washed out and blocky. It looks like crap.

  8. Hahahaha yeah right, looks like you've taken on another name? This time it's falco?

  9. lmao

    Good work inspector Columbo!

    He can call himself what he likes. We know him by smell.

    That reminds me of a funny quote from a book I read:

    "I never saw no camel, but I know a camel's cunt when I smell one."

    I'm finally starting to become very interested in Monster Hunter 3

    Very impressive indeed.

  10. Tanooki lol you're absolutely right, I thought the same thing. Let me put it in another way so as to not cause further confusion. The game looks awesome!

  11. I want a U.S. release date >.>

  12. x360 480p ill agree 100%

  13. With out Monster Hunter 3 in NA=

    wouldnt go that far but it better come

  14. The game comes out on March 10th in the U.S and Europe but the website I looked at could be wrong.
