Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Onechanbara: Bikini Zombie Slayers - gameplay video

Nice to see that this game will be coming to the States very soon. Zombies and Wii seem to go together like Zombies and Bikinis....very good.


  1. You cant play this game longer than one hour hands get tired. I finished first five levels -to boring and monotony for me.
    Promotion videos are still the best.

  2. if its budget or wiiware im in if its full retail price im out

  3. Hack and slash have never been my thing simply because I get too bored. Even God of War was too much Square, Square, Circle, Triangle (repeat) for me and that's the epitome of hack and slash. Or so most would say.

  4. hi im in Germany e.u, i work for Nintendo as a games tester, im actually employed by a German agency..... "!THAT'S AS FAR AS THAT INFO GOES"!!....

    iv seen and have interacted with "!wiiHD!"not the actual name i can confirm the following...

    both controls wiimote 2 nunchuck 2 have a polished version of wii motion plus built in, nunchuck 2 also has rv 3d mouse/pointer just like wiimote 2 both also have rumble paks and speakers (dual handed rumble/speaker sounds) for full 3d motion 3d mouse and feed back no wires at all no physical link between wiimote2/nunchuck2 both controllers can work on there own as a wiimote would do..

    console size maybe smaller than wii but no chance of it being any bigger....


    cpu custom ppc 750 based on ppc 750vxe secret high clock speed ppc 750,, its a hybrid of Broadway and 750vxe tech supporting a game centric design and instruction set...single core but supports dual thread and quad threading, g5 ppc 970 level simd 128 bit flouting point engine split into a 4 way 32 bit game centric simd engine (2x broadway) the whole cpu has many advances in effectiveness/efficiency it boasts a 1mb level 2 catch and a 6mb ibm edram level 3 catch clock speed is currently 1998mhz (1.98 ghz basically 2.0ghz chip)

    gpu hollywood hd 666mhz version 2 of hollywood gpu with a brand new tev 2 unit and a customized unified shader engine 6mb edram graphics catch

    system core lsi and background cpu and hardware for op system peripherals wifi etc all built into the Hollywood hd just like Hollywood in wii no cpu or gpu to run the system its all handled on chip in back ground hardware and "starlet 2" arm cpu (hackers dubbed wiis work chip starlet)

    sound processed in upgraded wii sound processor chip again built into Hollywood hd system core gpu....


    everything is linked via on die custom high speed inter connectors not standard buses or fsb....

    sub die 2 chips

    broadcom super resolution video out chip supports super resolution up converting and other graphics/image enhancements typical up conversion is 480p to 960p native quality that 960p is then correctly displayed at 720p/1080i/1080p on your hd tv set

    second chip is 48mb dualchannel 1tsram-r fast sram just like wii but obviously better

    external ram 256mb or 512mb gddr3 possibly gddr5

    flash drive 40gb high speed fast read flash drive also virtual memory to system

    disc drive backward play discs and dvds dvd2s and wii hds own custom high speed loading/streaming disc HOLGRAPHIC DISC AND DRIVE

    this is real ill only post here the news then can spread 2010 japan 2011 the world wii wont be replaced but fazed out

    this has been posted elsewhere by a insider at Nintendo my own source at Nintendo Germany hasn't denied it but said there has been a leak on project ""!!DUAL-HD!!""

  5. Wish I could believe you but your ALL CAPS give you away as being Cubeboy.

    Thanks for the wishful thinking and if this does come true I'll give you a Scooby snack.

  6. I heard that about month ago but this is just a rumor.
    Sorry I cant belive You but go on :D

  7. Nice!

    Rikasiu is right, its hard to really believe you, but by all means go on! I like to hear about all those specs and goodies even though I don't really understand most of it. Where can I learn about this stuff?

  8. im only pasting what was sent in email.....
