Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Winter - video and petition to bring it to Wii

Sign the petition here!

Winter is a hardcore Wii game without a publisher, with enough support from you guys we can get this game released. Looks really cool as well.


  1. I just saw this on IGN and came to tell you about it but you beat me to it MetalDave.

    As for a publisher they need to go to Sega. I would defiantly get the game if it came out.

  2. Just like The Conduit, this game will have publishers fighting over picking this game up, Mark my words.

    Now, I think these types of situations show just how "hardcore" the Wii audience really is.

  3. The game looks worst than those survival-horror games from the ps1.

    No sign!!

  4. Geez how I love that kind games!
    Reminds me Silen Hill and The Thing.
    Im already finishing Dead Space on PC and want more!!
    N-Space allways have good titles.
    Geist on Gamecube was so great.
    Such a great IP is now canceled what a pity!
    Hope this petition will wake up publishers.
    We need to send this everywhere.

  5. Looks like a nice, atmospheric adventure game.
    The LOTR music during the wolf boss fight was overkill, in my opinion.

  6. IM ALL FOR WII SUPPORT BUT ACTING LIKE DESPERATE WHORES AT EVERY CANCELED GAME MAKES US WII FANS LOOK CHEAP....OF COURSE WE WANT GREAT CORE GAMES............ but lets not make are selfs look like net idiots in doing so the wiimote interactions are what iv waited for

    fire/torches(flashlights yanks)weapons environment interaction etc if they make this seamless and fun and real time and beef up those graphics then ill be very "!!conduitfied!!"" for the game

    conduitfied my new word for being hyped about a wii title, maybe that one will be stolen by the games writers ""!!fanboyizum!!"" was one of mine now the whole gaming press use it.....

  7. Reply to Orbiz:

    Remember guys that this game is not finished yet, and the developer is just hoping that at publisher will pick them up so they can finish work and release it.

    Bashing a game before it's done seems to be the norm here lately.

  8. This footage was made in March 2007.
    Game is still in development and I bet it looks much better.
    Dynamic lighting in wolf scene looking good.

  9. team of 12 and only 6 weeks dev time with no cash THATS IMPRESSIVE.... sega do ur core game magic on this baby and fully support wii motion plus do it now the guy in a blog has spoken lol

  10. Honestly, if they fleshed some things out this game could be really cool. The lighting engine they already have going for them is spectacular. And by the way, I thought the multiplayer in Geist was the best FPS multiplayer on the GameCube.

    P.S. Both DS FPS games by n-space are awesome too.

  11. That's right, the guy in this blog has spoken lol....

    I'm actually quite proud of what this blog has done for the past 3 years of being online.

    Take a look at this:

    My site being the # 1 choice on google for RE5 Wii info (I still think it will come eventually, only after the other versions are released of course - Capcom wants your money as many times as possible).

  12. Damn that thing at the end scared the hell out of me.

  13. this clip u see is achieved with 12 people in 6 weeks to show publishers wii potential if n space get a publisher they will make the game not bad graphics for 12 peeps in 6 weeks it will get alot better in terms of graphics,gameplay if they start real work on it

  14. This game is crap!

    Compared to other real survival-horror games, Dead Space and Resident Evil 5, Winter is just shit!

  15. icarus come on now this is a tech demo of just 6 weeks of dev time to get that looking this good is amazing u idiot

  16. Looks like another shovelware. Don't want.
