Monday, February 09, 2009

The Conduit - New York Comic Con videos

While it is a bummer that Nintendo didn't let High Voltage put lan multiplayer into The Conduit (you suck Nintendo) the online modes are most likely going to be good considering the time and effort being put into it. High Voltage is supposed to make an announcement concerning new online modes soon.


  1. looking great overlord also looking very think wii zelda will look even better WOW... latest sales news usa ps3 is down on last year and wii up 170% its over sony fans please admit defeat......

  2. OFF TOPIC wouldn't it be sick if zelda wii used okami visuals yeah any ways conduit is looking cool i hope the story is ok do you think this will become a new IP

  3. @Anonymous, I would hate if the new Zelda used Okami graphics. I like the painted canvas idea but I think Capcom did a terrible job with it. When was the last time you saw a painting with 2 inch black lines around everything? The last one I can think of is a kindergartner's coloring book. And that is not art I want to look at.

    Give me Wind Waker graphics if you want artistic.
