Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Dead Space: Extraction - debut trailer

Lament with me brothers our great future prospect has died.

Maybe it is the reason that this game will in fact be an on-rails shooter. All joking aside, I am very disappointed that this game will not follow suit in a third person view with controls similar to Resident Evil 4 on the Wii. Dead Rising is not good enough (at all). This really was a great opportunity for EA to show that they are truly serious about Wii hardcore gaming.

I understand that this game may in fact be great in the end, and it does "look" hardcore. However, I for one am full on the on-rails games for the Wii and I'm ready for something different that really lets you take more use of the Wii remote by using it as something different than just a pointing device alone. Also, having a fixed way to move is very limiting no matter how many gameplay additions they add to Dead Space.

How do you feel about this potential missed opportunity?


  1. Well, EA is approaching this business opportunity in a different way than we expected. They are very serious about the project, just as they are serious about their long-term livelihood in the gaming industry. EA sees an opportunity to capitalize on the expanded market, by offering a high quality product perhaps. As a gamer, I am also as disappointed as you are, but this isn’t a question of whether “hardcore” gamers will like this or not. This is a question of whether EA can make money with this or not. Did EA make the right choice? We shall see…

  2. This suscks I had hoped for a third person adventure but I guess EA is no different from any other company looking for a quick buck.

  3. Just for fun, did anyone get where my opening joke line was from?

    Anyway, when the Wii was first announced I didn't think we'd be seeing so many on-rails shooters as we are now. It's really a shame.

  4. the game is only a corridor fps anyway so going on rails is better than 360 version if they make it part on rails part full control like disaster day crisis wow with those graphics people in ign office thought it was dead space 2 oh this has co-op wow and this is something EA chose to do it could easily of been a full FPS maybe the conduit makes them scared of competition or they have a FPS on the cards for wii

  5. Feels terrible after IGN news.
    Game that should be slow with limited ammo where you get creeps by shadows and ambient sounds now become rail shooter. Epic Fail!
    Whats next EA Mass Effect Wii on rail?
    I can't realized it isn't a joke.

  6. graphics are amassing and like iv stated a 1000 times before x360 - HD is what wii can do.. the on rails is EA again getting the wii wrong res evil 4s sales should have woken EA up but no they go the casual way don't get mii wrong it mite be a great game but they promised something completely different they as usual lied.....

    res evil 4 wii edition out sold res evil cronicals so EA your clearly out of touch with wii and are deliberately backing x360 with core and pretending to back wii im not blind to the American side taking clearly going on

    at least it has wii graphics rollseyes

    EA LIES about wii follow

    wii = xbox has no shaders//the truth its at least a xbox 2.5 and has great shaders

    MOH heroes 2 built for wii//truth ported from psp

    wii will be are number one format and wii shall support core gaming //truth boom blox and a on rails dead space cough cough

    wii fifa needs to be top down like old fashioned games to accomadate motion play//truth it was a cheap deved game on a ps2 engine and pro evo wii destroyed it


  7. I am also very disappointed in this development. On-rails shooters have been explored already and I, like you Dave, have had my fill. The TPS shoooter has not been explored on The Wii (RE4 leaves me begging for more)

    I see EA following the same pattern as Capcom. I will be the first to say UC was very weak. Yet the HD consoles get the TPS (RE5, which on another note, I'm actually hoping for an original RE game for Wii as 5 has been a disappointment to me as well..maybe I'm spoiled with RE4 Wii controls?)

    This went from a game I was very interested in to a game I don't really care about in the least. HotD overkill is great..but On-rails shooters on Wii are beginning to become redundant.

  8. well if the trailer is anything to go off should be epic the on rails is so the game scares u more plus everything that got left out of the original will be put in here and this will have bags of replay value

  9. I was so hyped when i heard about Dead Space coming to the Wii. We knew the graphics would have to be downgraded but we would have a great game! Now, it's just another Onrails shooter. So what is going to hapen? Everybody thinks that The Wii is only good for On rail shooters, every third party developer will start doing that. Capcom will make Umbrella chronicles 2, covering the things that the first one didn't. The game wont have good reviews and so third party developers will think that the Wii can not handle great hardcore games and so they will keep making Crappy casual cash in games or simply stop developing for the Wii.

    If third party developers want to test a hardcore game on the Wii, then MAKE ONE, don't keep porting old games or remaking them or just making them on rail shooters!

    Nintendo should put mor effort trying to convince third paty devs to bring their greatest franchises to the Wii. How about RE 6 on the Wii, FF XIV, Metal Gear Solid 5, GTA 5. Of course they would sell!

    Just imagine RE 6 on the Wii or at least RE 5, with an improved RE 4 graphics engine (the Wii can handle that), put in there Wii motion plus controls to improve the already great controls on the Wii in RE 4. IT WOULD BE A HUGE SUCCESS!

    Oh well, best luck to the Wii.

  10. I hope RE5 Wii is on rails

  11. Polov said...
    "Now, it's just another Onrails shooter. So what is going to hapen? Everybody thinks that The Wii is only good for On rail shooters, every third party developer will start doing that. Capcom will make Umbrella chronicles 2, covering the things that the first one didn't. The game wont have good reviews and so third party developers will think that the Wii can not handle great hardcore games and so they will keep making Crappy casual cash in games or simply stop developing for the Wii.

    If third party developers want to test a hardcore game on the Wii, then MAKE ONE, don't keep porting old games or remaking them or just making them on rail shooters!"

    No offence, but it's a good thing you're not in a position to make decisions in the gaming industry.

    You are looking at things the wrong way. Let me enlighten you :)

    1. The “predictions” you made in your first paragraph are absolutely illogical. Why would every 3rd party developer start making on-rails shooters? Does that make any sense? If an on-rails shooter having success on Wii was to spawn a wave of clones it would have happened by now. As you are aware, RE:UC was released in late 2007 and sold quite well. That would have started your chain reaction that you have predicted. Well it didn’t then, and it wont now.

    2. “If third party developers want to test a hardcore game on the Wii, then MAKE ONE.” They have made many already. Did you buy any of them? If you didn’t then you can’t complain. Look at the figures…the best selling games on Wii are…not “hardcore” games. Developers will make what sells.

    You have to look at these things under a different can't just see everything as a gamer sees it and then just complain and complain. If you want hardcore games then buy them, otherwise maybe a different console may suit your taste.
