Tuesday, February 03, 2009

House of the Dead: Overkill - developer video

Since the game will be released on the 10th of this month I thought that having more coverage of it would be nice. Who is going to be picking this up?


  1. I dunno. I've never really been into on rails shooters much, but this one actually looks really cool. I already pre-ordered Deadly Creatures though, so there goes my February budget...maybe later in the year, if people recommend it.


    I remember at some point you mentioned something about this device that can be used to record direct feed gameplay off your tv set. I'm actually interested in getting something like that. What exactly is it? Is it hard to find one?


  2. Im getting it, as well as Deadly Creatures and tenchu 4. In fact i just ordered HOTD Return just for the ocassion.

  3. just use a dvd recorder or vhs

    its on rails but has a semi fps like camera mode and multiple paths its on rails but its deeper than other on rail shooters im really looking forward to it...

    id love a fully blown fps version in the future house of the daed with a conduit like online shooter game would seriously rock

  4. i will be definitaly this killzone and deadly creatures all look awsome

  5. deadly creature retail build is meant to be extreamly polished in terms of graphics/gameplay very good game from IGN team oh HOD OVERKILL WOW AMAZING DAY 1 FOR ME

  6. Did You guys hear that Dead Space coming to Wii as well?!
