Friday, February 20, 2009

My Universal Studios trip

We had a lot of fun hanging out at Universal Studios yesterday. The traffic is horrible as you could imagine, and the park is only open until 5pm but you'd be surprised as to how much you can see in day there. It probably helped that it was a work day for most people, making the lines about 10 minutes or less. Good times!


  1. Damn pretty girl!

    An amazing trip You had and
    at last, You shows yourself :D

  2. maybe this summer Orlando the whole shi-bang trip from the uk for myself and family if not this year next...iv got food poisoning i really don't want to be looking at fare rides iv been sick all day lol

  3. is that your misses she looks like my ex is she Spanish /Mexican or other my ex was full Spanish blood but born in England we have 3 kids iv walked away tho sadly she destroyed are family after getting addicted to gambling, slot machines, including defrauding my mothers wii YES REALLY... i do miss her skin and huge butt but she is evil walking the earth im so glad im out of that part of my life wishing you guys all the best of love and luck IF SOMETHING GOES WRONG """""""TALK"""" that's the whole point your there for each other...

  4. My Wife is from Bogota, Colombia. I gave up on American women a long time ago, foreign girls are more respectful and not money grubbing you for every cent you got.
