Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wii - Ultimate Graphics Information Page

direct link here

A fan of this site by the name of Shokio made a video inspired by an article I wrote over a year ago about how the Wii is more powerful than people think. He did this entirely on his own without any input from me, which is fine. I like what he did and decided to make one huge graphics discussion post with links to all of my articles that support that the Wii has a lot of untapped power that many developers up until this point have not been using. PS2 and even PSP ports have been seen way too many times on the Wii. The Wii is the market leader now (and has been for a long time) and in 2009 we will finally start to see games that actually look really good and use the architecture inside the Wii that is so finely made to be efficient and get more done graphically with less processing power.

If you ever want to win a graphics debate with someone who hates the Wii and always wants to come back to the conclusion that the Wii can't produce visuals that can be in the ballpark of a 360 game, use this post for all your argument needs. LOL.

The Wii has more power than you think

Wii is more powerful than Xbox, Gamecube was equal to Xbox

Wii can do a lot more graphically, Factor 5 tells why

Factor 5's Wii engine "does everything the PS3 does and then some"

Wii's hidden graphic power

ATi-Wii graphics at E3 are tip of the iceberg

So there you have it, all the posts on the Wii's graphics that I've posted here in the 3 plus years of this site's existence. I'll let the links speak for themselves, they are all very insightful so I suggest reading them - especially the Factor 5 articles. Enjoy!


  1. i have a wii and a dsi/ds lite GTA ds is looking tight and graphics on wii are amazing when done right looks like devs are trying now with dead space extraction,overlord dark legend,madworld,conduit,monster hunter 3,red steel2,brutal legend,virtua tennis,there are loads more and alot of secret projects aswell,after a brief look at 2009 im happy to be a wii only owner so many games wow not to mention ZELDA,SUPER MARIO,F-ZERO,STAR FOX,KIRBY,PUNCH OUT,1080 WII,SIN PUNISHMENT 2,DYNAMIC SLASH,third partys are stepping up to graphics on wii,EA said they will rival NINTENDO QUALITY

  2. Bwahahaha.

    Unsupported arguments, backpedaling, and general fanboy rants, all of which based off of what? Candid interviews from a developer we haven't heard of for over a year?

    As a 360 owner who has played over 20-30 titles on it, I have to say that The Conduit does not look anywhere near like a 360 game. Anyone who does think it looks like a 360 game are either retarded, a fanboy, or needs to have their eyes checked. There no way in hell people are that stupid.

  3. What I said was in the "ballpark" of a 360 game. If you look at House of the Dead: Overkill and The Conduit, I'd say that statement is true.

    Fanboy's are always going to defend their system to the bitter end. The funny thing is, the end is already here for consoles in this generation and the Wii won that already.

    Graphics have been proven to not mean as much as they used to, so that is the reason why I stand by my motto for this gen: Wii and PC for the win. Why? Because PC games can look better than any 360 or PS3 game and the Wii is an inovative machine that can still impress me graphically dispite me playing Crysis and Far Cry 2 on full settings on PC. That by itself says a lot for the Wii.

  4. hi dave its me caps lock guy ex spanish misses guy I LOVE THE SHIT YOU FIND WELL DONE AND 100% TRUE....

    wii fsb = 243mhz plus custom compression of 4to1 peak = 7.7GB bandwidth vs xbox 1 133mhz bus and only 1GB bandwidth just one obvious huge spec difference to xbox 1 THE SUPPOSEDLY MORE POWERFUL MACHINE

    gamecubes best ever polygon count rogue sq 3 = 20 million polygons @ 60 frames

    xbox 1 highest ever polygon count 12 million @ only 30 frames

    gamecube was = to xbox but accually better in key areas

    wii= 2.5 times xbox 1

  5. xbox was not the strobngest last gen he starts with a lie

    gamecubes cpu has 2.5 times the procesing bandwidth of xbox 1s celeron

    gamecubes gpu has a internal bandwidth 2.5 times that of xbox gpu 25gb vs xgpu 10gb

    gamecubes ram is 1t sram sram speed less than 10 nano seconds xbox ram was sdram its 100 nano seconds 10 times slower

    gamecubes custom disc system streamed data faster than ps2 and xbox conbined

    the best looking games last gen were gamecube exclusive

    wind waker / twilight princess/rouge sq 2 and 3 resident evil 4

    theres no games on xbox that matched any of the above go get one and show mii if there is BECAUSE THERE IS NOT

  6. similar to xbox 1 wait a second BASIC MATH never mind superior architecture…..

    xbox front side bus 133mhz = 1gb bandwidth

    wii frontside bus 243mhz plus peak 4to1 compression = 7.7 gb bandwidth

    xbox main ram old ass sdram

    wi main ram 1tsram-r plus gddr3

    Pentium 3:
    Bus Interface Unit to System Bus = 32 bit * 133 mhz = 1.0 GB/s
    Bus Interface Unit from chip: 23 + 2.9 = 25.9 GB/s
    L2 Data cache to L1 Data cache: 256 bit * 733 mhz = 23 GB/s
    L2 Instruction cache to L1 instruction cache = 32 bit * 733 mhz = 2.9 GB/s

    Bus Interface Unit to System Bus = 64 bit * 167 mhz = 1.3 GB/s
    Bus Interface Unit from chip = 11.6 GB/s
    L2 Data cache to fill buffer 64 bit * 485 mhz = 3.8 GB/s
    L2 Instruction cache to L1 instruction cahe = 32 bit * 485 mhz = 3.8 GB/s
    DMA controller to fill buffer 64 bit * 485 mhz = 3.8 GB/s
    Fill buffer to L1 Data cache 256 bit * 485 mhz = 15.5 GB/s
    Write Gather Pipe from Load/Store Unit 64 bit * 485 = 3.8 GB/s

    *with data compression of 3.8:1 average data compression:
    Bus Interface Unit to System Bus = 64 bit * 167 mhz = 1.3 GB/s * 4 = 5.2 GB/s
    Bus Interface Unit from chip = 11.6 GB/s * 4 = 46.4 GB/s
    L2 Data cache to fill buffer 64 bit * 485 mhz = 3.8 GB/s * 4 = 15.2 GB/s
    L2 Instruction cache to L1 instruction cahe = 32 bit * 485 mhz = 3.8 GB/s
    DMA controller to fill buffer 64 bit * 485 mhz = 3.8 GB/s * 4 = 15.2 GB/s
    Fill buffer to L1 Data cache 256 bit * 485 mhz = 15.5 GB/s * 4 = 62.2 Gb/s.
    Write Gather Pipe from Load/Store Unit 64 bit * 485 = 3.8 GB/s * 4 = 15.2 GB/s

    The Gekko architecture is suited much more for streaming a large amount of data then the Pentium 3.

    Broadway is Wii’s CPU.

    PowerPC 750cxe FX/GX @ 729 MHz
    Front Side Bus: 243 MHz, 64 bits @ 1.944 GB’s/sec
    256 KB L1 instruction cache
    256 KB L1 data cache (can set up 16-kilobyte data scratch pad).
    This leads to 512 KB L1 Cache total

    Normal Broadway interface:
    Bus Interface Unit to System Bus = 64 bit * 243 MHz = 1.944 GB/s
    Bus Interface Unit from chip = 17 GB/s
    L2 Data cache to fill buffer 64 bit * 729 MHz = 5.832 GB/s
    L2 Instruction cache to L1 instruction cache = 32 bit * 729 MHz = 2.916 GB/s
    DMA controller to fill buffer 64 bit * 729 MHz = 5.832 GB/s
    Fill buffer to L1 Data cache 256 bit * 729 MHz = 23.328 GB/s
    Write Gather Pipe from Load/Store Unit 64 bit * 729 MHz = 5.832 GB/s

    Broadways data compression
    Data compression of 4:1 average data compression:
    Bus Interface Unit to System Bus 4:1 = 7.78 GB/s
    Bus Interface Unit from chip 4:1 = 68 GB/s
    L2 Data cache to fill buffer 4:1 = 23.328 GB/s
    L2 Instruction cache to L1 instruction cache 4:1 = 11.664 GB/s
    DMA controller to fill buffer 4:1 = 23.328GB/s
    Fill buffer to L1 Data cache 4:1 = 93.312 GB/s.
    Write Gather Pipe from Load/Store Unit 4:1 = 23.328 GB/s

    gamecubes internal gpu cpu bandwidths are 2.5 x xbox 1 and wii is easy 4 x plus

    xbox celeron 733mhz = cisc 9 million transistors

    wii broadway 729mhz = risc copper-wire silicon on insulator micro embedded tight small efficient design 20+ million transistors

    hollywood gpu 3mb EDram 1tsram-r graphics buffer catch 28gb bandwidth not counting compression

    xgpu xbox 1 128k graphics catch

    hollywood texture stages 16 texture layers 8 8×8 real time lighting (plus custom cpu lighting)

    xgpu 4 texture stages 4 texture layers 8×4 realtime lighting

    hollywood also supports virtual texturing/tile rendering

    2.5 x a gamecube/xbox is not a xbox

    highest polygon count xbox 1 @ 30 frames 12 milion polygons

    highest polygon count gamecube @ 60(not 30) frames 20 milion polygons

    near x360 @ 480p

    xbox my ass

  7. Circa 2006, I was one of those guys that kept telling the 360/PS3 fans to don't count out Nintendo just yet - Nintendo had something pretty cool up their sleeves.
    That said, the Wii chipset is absolutely underrated. I enjoy talking specs as much as the next guy - it's one of the cool aspects of being an avid gamer. It's safe to say 2009 will eventually show everybody the wii is not underpowered. To be honest, the "2 gamecubes duck taped together" analogy was getting pretty old.
