Friday, March 27, 2009

The Conduit - new video interview

Nice to see a long indepth look at the first level of the game. I was getting tired of seeing the same old two levels all the time. Again, this game looks fantastic in videos.


  1. makes me really want to get it.

  2. wow them graphics are definatly rivaling 360 graphics all day long wow that wii graphics right there

  3. Sweet!

    The lighting and normal mapping is awesomely done. Great job HVS. I liked the explosions in the second to last room as well. The game looks so much better in motion than in screen-shots. Gimme Gimme!

  4. If anyone is still wounding about that game called Winter its still alive and some publishers are interested in it. It will also use wii motion plus and the graphics have been improved.

  5. I don't know why other console games, especially of the FPS nature, don't have fully customizable controls like this. I'm not sure of how difficult that is to implement, but it can't be that hard if most computer games do it, right? I dunno.

  6. @Charlie I think the major reason is that most developers know they can release a FPS on Wii without custom controls and get away with it. On the PC platform it is now a standard that customers expect so developers have to spend the time and money to implement custom controls.

    I'm hoping The Conduit sells like mad so custom controls become a standard on the Wii for FPS games.
