Friday, March 13, 2009

Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles - new screens

Again nice looking game, very nice even. Capcom should just include an unlockable mode where you can see your character and be able to move around the environment freely....


  1. To me this game looks just like Umbrella Chronicles but with a few more graphicial effects put in. I do like the new camera look they are using but I would of liked a Resident Evil 4 style game but with the ability to run and shoot.

  2. u are chattin rubbish this game looks better than some 360 games full stop right there.always shitbox fans saying this and that about wii graphics i thought we have established that the wii can do 360 graphics in 480p plenty of games coming that out do the 360 in some areas stop hating

  3. There is some hope that a more traditional Resident Evil game will be announced for the Wii soon. The mods at the Capcom unity forums have been heavily stating that any traditional RE games would not be announced "yet".

    So maybe they are trying to tell us to be patient and wait. Doing that is getting a little more difficult since we've already been waiting for almost 2 years since RE4 Wii was released.

  4. it looks good but not that good and who cares ITS A RAIL SHOOTER ON A PLATFORM WITH TO MANY RAIL SHOOTERS SO WHO CARES fuk you capcom

  5. I agree there is still some hope...I am just as disappointed as much as the next guy that the next RE game is on-rails, but look on the bright side, we now have a "bad ass" Wii engine that looks phenomenal! It is inevitable that we may get RE5 or a version of RE5 with this new capable custom engine. Clearly this engine surpasses the RE4 engine and I think CAPCOM will eventually give us RE5 because of this new "tech".
    I can't help getting excited when devs push the Wii hardware. If this is all rendered in their new engine, I have to say the models look amazing!
