Now don't get me wrong I think The Conduit looks impressive graphically, I just don't think it looks as good as other Wii games (so far). Monster Hunter 3 and even Metroid Prime 3 look better in my opinion. High Voltage Software is doing a great job with this game and they have even said that the graphics seen in The Conduit thus far are only "the tip of the iceberg" on what the Wii can do with the Quantom 3 engine and that at E3 they will be showing something really impressive. We'll have to wait and see, but I want to make it clear that The Conduit is still the #1 game on my list for this year so far.
have to disagree with u on that 1 i think these graphics are much better than metroid 3 except the art everything is much superior ive just compared screens and theres no chance for corruption being better tech wise than this game impossible 60 fps yes but not no where near as epic scale as CONDUIT i sold metroid 3 no multiplayer is a killer i was expecting a change like the hunters 1 on ds that would have been amazing but still not quite the conduit look a the conduit in motion full screen normal mapping ect it looks incredible lets see in in motion at E3 2009 to really know because that will be the final final build but already for me it beats MP3 maybe not monster hunter 3 u are right on that i think but come on MP3 no chance fluidity yes frame rate yes art yes tech wise not a chance
Bigest problem with Conduit is design of levels, terrain, environment.
Maybe Metroid isnt technicaly superior but desing is amazing.
HVS should start looking for a Lead Level Designer and serius artists becouse they have great programmers.
From what I have heard the game looks much better in person on a real screen then in screenshots. I can't speak to that personally since I have yet to see it but I can tell you after E3. Then again, at that point the game will only be about 2-3 weeks away from launch.
Yes The Conduit is doing "better" things than Prime 3, but the art direction kills The Conduit in every way which is why I'm not very impressed by it's graphics.
Checker board floors and flat plain walls are not impressive to me. The Normal Mapping and lighting look great but the entire package still needs work, and the problem is that it's too late now.
tech is above metroid prime 3 its the art direction and Nintendo 1st party polish that shines thru as well as 60 frames a second....
and iv just looked up to see post 1 says the same thing
its a small low budget team doing well with there tech vs a Nintendo 1st party system
I just glad wii games are starting to look better instead of looking like a Ps2 game.
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