I think this is what we were looking for. This game looks totally different than the first Red Steel (that's a good thing), the art style is fresh and the graphics are awesome. Apparently the game is supposed to be running at 60 frames per second as well. You guys excited for this one?
HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T WAIT FOR THIS!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm still bummed about the lack of multiplayer, that just seems weird to me, but I am still excited to see how this game turns out. I hope it's playable at E3 because I would love to get my hands on some 1:1 sword action.
Will you be attending E3 this year Travis?
A trailer has just been leaked at IGN.
have any of you checked out the leaked video on you tube it is unbelievably awesome!!!
wow im sure thats ingame graphics and boy this looks to tear the hell out of other next gen titles that use the same graphical style because these graphics are just simply amazing for a game at 30 fps but 60 fps wow this is due to the fast proccessor compared to 360/ps3 have slow very powerful proccessors wii has very fast powerful proccessors thats that higher frame rate whilst keeping the graphics high end
sureley next gen meant 60fps on all games with high end graphics an wii has motion + aswell graphics are catching up now
Dave, I will be attending E3 this year. I have been going ever since 2003 aside from the 2 years of "media only" they went through. I forgive them though as things appear back to normal. Actually my icon image is from me at the Wii Unveiling E3 with me playing Twilight Princess.
But yeah, we have everything ready to go. I'm starting to get excited even more now that May is here and things are starting to get announced.
Are you going?
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