Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Conduit - video review

Who here has a big problem with The Conduit playing very similar to Perfect Dark? Not me. Perfect Dark is one of my all time favorite games, so who cares if The Conduit doesn't have vehicles, a cover system or whatever the other new FPS games try to do to make them seem different when they are still a FPS game when it's all said and done. I for one never liked breaking up the action of a FPS game with all these additional things being added in, which is why I'm happy The Conduit is strictly First Person Shooting.


  1. I love Perfect Dark. So to hear that the entire game has similar feelings and whatnot to that game makes me happy.

    One funny thing I saw was GamePro's review for this game. They complained that the controls were "faulty." What a crock. I played this game on the default controls and it handled marvelously. I can't even imagine how perfect they will be after customizing.

  2. I have to wait till July 10th to play this. I'm pissed off about that.

  3. Yeah, how can someone complain about the controls in this game when you can make them whatever you want? Sounds like the reviewer was a faulty game player.

  4. After reading comments regarding said Gamepro review I didn't see it as viable or fit to read through. When the writer admits to rushing through the main campaign and criticises a story though also saying he skipped the cutscenes, and overall not exploring the game thoroughly (multiplayer) it's time he threw in a towel and found another line of work.
    It's like a movie reviewer going to see the Dark Knight and giving it a 1/5 because he kept drifting in and out of consciece while viewing it and couldnt make out what was going on.

  5. It's funny how non-Wii Fans are downplaying The Conduit. Hey, it's our first mature FPS for the Wii that's BUILT FOR THE Wii from the ground up. (And actually pushing the hardware! Gee, what a concept!) Of course we (Wii owners) see it as a significant step!
    I also think it's also funny how the other guys are showing off their version of motion control.

  6. complaining about the most advanced and pick up and play FPS controls in existence IS PURE SONY/MICRO FANBOY FANTASY and natal/ps3 motion also CANNOT DO THIS only shows how envyus they are OF CLASS LEADING CORE GAMER CONTROLS=Wii playing fps/core via 2 analog sticksbis clearly outdated and obsolete

  7. theres idiots in conduit threads saying totally stupid ignorant stuff like id prefer dual analog THEY WOULD BE SAYING wiimote/nunchuck if it had sony on them IDIOTS COMPLETE IDIOTS........theres no better controls in existence AND U KNOW IT OBSOLETE DUALSHOCK MASHERS

  8. Gamespot's review was absolutely horrid. So much self contradiction and the reviewer himself said that he doesn't even like console shooters (well, he complimented the Conduit's smooth controls in the next sentence, but then he bashed the controls again later on, wtf?). And also it seemed like the Gamespot reviewer had a mind set that he wouldn't like the game before he even started playing. I don't think he gave it a fair chance. 7.0 isn't a bad score, but I think it's a little underrated.

    IGN's review on the other hand, was great (in my opinion) and it saw the game for what it was. Good analysis of positives and negatives and gave the game a fair score.
