Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Wii Sports Resort - new video demos

Looks like it's going to be fun for just about anyone (unless you're Jeff G.) I'm liking the Jet Ski...


  1. For a game that has such a simple style it really is just gorgeous. And the fact that this all takes place on a living, breathing island just makes each game feel that much cooler. From what games I've played, and the footage I've seen of those I didn't play, this game handles gorgeous as well. I can't wait.

    I'll have to start splitting time between this and The Conduit. Speaking of which, Metal, when are you ever online? Or are you ever?

  2. Also, have you accepted my Friend Request on The Conduit yet? I'm pretty sure I saw your name on there.

  3. I sent you a friend request a long time ago and it seems that it worked on The Conduit. I haven't played too much online maybe only a few days. I don't like that the people can use "lock on" I feel that it's kinda like cheating especially when they have shotguns. It's still fun though.
