Friday, August 14, 2009

Dirt 2 - first Wii videos

Looks cool to me! I liked the first game and I'm excited that they are bringing the series to the Wii. I really like racing games though so maybe you guys are less excited....?


  1. What the hell have you been smoking MetalDave the game looks like a pile of shit. I know its not even finished yet but how can you get excited about this. The only thing I can see that looks good is the frame rate.

  2. last game of this type i owned was sega rally on dreamcast i didnt like codemasters atitude to sega/nintendo there biased so iv never supported them....ill keep an eye on this but any ps2ish graphics etc i wont bother

  3. looks like a psp game with added cell shading thats a joke

  4. i like this game too

    happy independence day pakistan!!


  5. I guess I've been smoking a lot then because I think it looks fun. Oh well. I like racing games as I said before so maybe I'm biased. The shadows look good and the lighting too, not only that but the game is not finished yet; I think being optimistic is ok...

  6. this game is looking sweet in my eyes cant wait for it the 360/ps3 version has had 4 times the budget so i dont expect it to look like them versions but i like it its looking good enough dirt 3 maybe they will try harder and make something comparable i mean racing games have never shined on nintendo consoles adventure/platform/sport/shooters,arcade/fps games ect are the best on wii than 360/ps3 racing games are dominant on 360/pc/ps3 so i still want dirt2 it looks very good

  7. poor
    every game on Wii must have cell-shading?
    My last racing game was nfs:porsche unleased and that geame looks better than this shit.
    Fucking codemasters makeing Colin1 with acceleration and lot of cacti for casuals.
    Thanks god we have MarioKart.

  8. your full of it when this comes out play it and say itlooks bad i bey you will eat your words this is a preview build presentation/visuals not finished ie early build in couple days u will see

  9. Car shadows on the ground look ok, but pay attention to the (lack of) shadows the environment casts over the cars. The whole car just sort of dims when it goes through a shadow (a la mariokart). I hate that.. not sure how hard it'd be to get it done right on wii's hardware, but after seeing gameplay footage from the upcoming Silent Hill game, it doesn't seem it'd be all that hard.

    Having said that, the rest of the game doesn't look all that bad, and mario kart is a great game even with simpler graphics, so we'll have to see when it's out if it's worth it.

  10. i will say it again the game looked better in the first screens it shown a white BMW Z4 ect yes the car looked like it was made of metal then this video looked more cell shaded trust me this video has PREVIEW build all over it final build most prob shown off in a week or two it will look good not as good as F12009 wow the velencia trailer wow wow wow 60fps double dirt 2 frame rate with realistic graphics physics ect going off that dirt2 wii will be alright its more of a ARCADE experience on wii which is fine we have F12009 no one else does ha ha and it looks a pain in the arse on 360 overdone the physics abit i think collin mcrae was best in ps2 days simple but rewarding physics and wii looks to give me more of the same but with much improved graphics/physics yes i compared the 2 vids side by side ps2 version looks outdated next to wii version thats for sure i dont know where u people get the idea from that wii looks ps2ish it dosnt i know it dosnt
