Friday, February 05, 2010

The Grinder - new trailer

While the game looks awesome and this is in fact running on the Wii in real-time, who's going to care since the game isn't going to be released until October 2011? It's hard to get excited and put up hopes for a game that we're not even sure will be good; especially with nearly a 2 year wait. It will probably be one of the last games on the current form of the Wii. The reason for the delay? High Voltage wants to put this game on PC/360/PS3 so that means that they need longer development time to get the HD versions ready. Really stupid move if you ask me since no one is going to care much for a new IP on those systems when they have Left 4 Dead and Call of Duty to play. High Voltage sold itself out to Sega most likely. Well at least Nintendo will hopefully give us Zelda by the end of this year....


  1. well at least the Grinder looks nextgen i mean that trailer is impressive to say the least but why not give wii owners the game in 2010 i mean it will be stupid to make wii gamers wait for other versions to be completed what a joke who cares for 2011 anyway ill get it but if wii2 is out or nearly out ill pass and just stick with AAA games from dev houses that make the best games in the industry NINTENDO,CAPCOM,RETRO STUDIOS,ect

  2. that was wii graphics then who cares about HD wow if anything the wii version is better because u dont need a HD tv to get visuals that look HD wow wow

  3. Yeah I know the logic seems to be missing from High Voltage. Hopefully they change their minds and bring the Wii version out first this year and the HD versions the next. Wishful thinking, but they should do it.

  4. My sentiments exactly Metal, I lost a lot of interest in this game now that it's Halloween 2011.

    As for the Wii version getting released earlier, it's all about business. And it makes perfect sense. When you hype a new game you can show commercials that encompass all versions of the game. If they released the Wii version they would have to split their marketing dollar in half, or pay double.

    They would also never want to release a game for the Wii and then release the same game with HD graphics a year later on Xbox and PS3 because it would be considered an old game.

    "A remake of a Wii game" is not something that sells to the HD system owners.

    Either way, I'm not a fan but I can totally see why HVS did it.

  5. Yes, it really defeats the purpose of even making this game for the Wii in the first place.

    The end of 2011 is a bad move especially since (most likely) Nintendo will have the next gen Wii on it's way. Not only that but the next Xbox and Playstation will also be on their way too; how can they expect sales to be good releasing it so late in the game?

    The only way to fix this would be to just delay it far enough and make it a launch game on Nintendo's next system.

  6. There's speculation that some devs are already working on an HD Wii console and HVS might be one of them. It's not too much of a stretch considering the extra 2 year extension. If Nintendo is developing an HD system and "some" devs had the dev kits - I would think HVS would be one of the first developers.

  7. Who needs them? their just blowhards that make average games. This year Wii is getting Super Mario Galaxy 2, Metroid Other M and Zelda Wii which you can't go wrong with and god knows what Nintendo will unveil at E3.

  8. this has nothing to do with a wii hd its sega there publishing it its high voltage working for sega and nothing more its on all 3 systems its just sega scared its a flop and by making it multi-platform there guaranteeing more sales....

    funny thing is it will have a higher production value now and may end up being better for it

    by the way iwata just let slip gamecube and wii gpus have 3D hardware built in READY TO GO

    so gamecube was 3d ready a generation before nvidea and sony

    yet again nintendo led the way all others follow they had 3d ideas last gen its the glasses that iwata doesnt like

  9. so, if they make The Grinder for the other consoles, HD versions will be for tv's with HD, but the Graphics Quality will be the same for ALL, I mean, in a normal TV and with PS3, XBOX 360 and Wii will have cool graphics?, now, in a HD tv the game will have the same graphic quality but in HD ¿right? quality for all consoles but HD for ps3 and xbox 360 ¿right?

  10. I have lost interest in this game. Its no longer Wii exclusive(they will spend more time on HD version) and they change art direction to horror-now it looks more like L4D.

  11. Is this video a real wii capture? I don't think so.The lighting and Shadows are to good for the wii.

  12. its wii because they havnt got or had the time to show anything for 360 ect especially when it takes twice as long to get a high end title on the 360 compared to wii this is wii in game its impossible for it to be any other version plus people have asked HVS and they say that its wii at 480p u will see at GDC wii running in real time
