Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Last Story - first screens!

This game looks amazing too; I would give the edge in graphics to this game when compared to Xenoblade because of the character models having more detail. Looks like Monster Hunter 3 was only the beginning for this years Wii RPG fix.


  1. Wow, I kinda wish I was an RPG fan after seeing these screens. They look really good.

    If nothing else, these screens (page 3 and city shots on page 4 especially) make me really excited for Zelda Wii. I hope it looks as good as these screens make this game look.

  2. Yes, wow indeed. What a shame that this kind of effort has not been put to use on the Wii until now....

  3. i may give in on MH tri im tempted with the full bundle wiispeak and pro pad ,im hearing text chat is cool on MHtri

    its a crying shame the camera and a pointer were not mapped to wii remote WHY CAPCOM WHY

    anyhows this rpg is looking cool

  4. forget the past wii shovelware thats done now wii has the best line up of games NBA JAM,LAST STORY,METROID OTHER M,MARIO GALAXY 2,CONDUIT 2,SIN AND PUNISHMENT 2,ZELDA Wii,Thats just a few of at least 30 games all with graphics comparable to the best out there,Wii is no longer a shovelware console like the ps2 was last gen but ended up with the best games,The main thing is nintendo have lots more to show and by starting off not HARDCORE and commiting themselves to new audiences nintendo have chose the right method here and with tons of upcoming HARDCORE games if anything will only make nintendo the best all rounder in terms of content,I personally prefer wii from the start ps3 same as ps2 in HD look at GOW2 ps2 if upscaled wouldnt be a far cry from GOW3 in my eyes plus it plays exactly the same nothing new ps3/360 have HD/ONLINE wii has ED/ONLINE e.g MH3/MOTION CONTROLS FOR 3 YEARS NOW/STYLE plus SDK 2.1 says HD is restricted by firmware and not by hardware so a simple SDK 2.2 could also make the wii HD with alot of game screen examples recently of how wii would look in HD and makes certain games look better than 360/ps3 GALAXY,MH3,RE4,ect

  5. This game shows that all the other developers out there that say the wii can't do good graphics are talking nonsense. To me this really does look like current gen graphics. Hell it even looks better the Monster hunter 3.

  6. The lead designer said this is a "real-time" RPG, and some of the screens look like it will have Zelda-like combat. As long as I'm not on potion duty, I don't think I'll have any problems with this game.
