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These pics were taken from the Dolphin emulator that allows Wii games to be completely re-displayed and rendered in HD. Can you imagine if the Wii had the same graphics as Gamecube and the only thing Nintendo changed was the resolution? It goes to show that graphics really haven't improved a great deal since 2005, the only thing that really makes games truly stand out these days is the clarity and texture resolution. When Nintendo releases their next system, it will most likely be 1080p but more importantly I hope Nintendo includes some kind of emulator system in it that can render the old games in HD like the Dolphin does. Not that HD is truly so important but it is becoming the norm for people these days since you can buy an HDTV for under $400. I still think the Wii has more left in terms of what could be done graphically with it, but the resolution will continue to hold it back until Nintendo sees that an upgrade is truly needed.
I would have to imagine this Dolphin system really bogs down games while in motion, but I've never seen it so maybe I'm wrong.
Either way, this looks awesome. It's a shame because it's like RE5 graphics on a good game. Ha ha ha. RE5 wasn't that bad.
And I love your idea about a Wii 2 emulation that allows older games to upscale the resolution.
In a way this is what Nintendo did with N64 games being played on the Wii in 480p. That was a good boost to get rid of the blurriness of those old games, maybe Nintendo will do the same with Wii 2 to get rid of the jaggies of current Wii games.
just shows you how frigging amassing gamecube was and how it killed xbox and ps2 (yes it did micro fans just step into reality please) by HD-ING the game and obviously improved filters and AA it looks stunning and shows just how great the tech is in gamecube/wii and it shows that 99% of sony and microsofts argument is marketing crap and yes it does look res evil 5 but good game hahaha har harr yip yip yip...i think the days of expensive machines are over a wii 2 a wii back end add-on or whatever would work wonders and totally make large loud fan over heating consoles a joke
you can get system on chips more powerful than ps3 its time sony walked away lol
most of wiis better games look as good as 360 graphics without dolphin,Mario galaxy 2 looks graphically better than 3/4 of 360 games full stop,MH3 upscaled to 720p even 576p would make it look sharper not better it already looks like a 360 game in 480p HDR/AA/opencl version 1.3 for shader 3.0/4.0 yes u get half the shader operations of shader model 4.0 and all from 3.0 with GX/Opencl 1.3 fact its what factor 5 meant that wii Engine does everything ps3 does and then some,Its called better shaders with the right programming with GX,Ps3 cant do anything better than 3.0,Wii is fine power wise this E3 will show u all what graphics should look like on wii
Resident Evil 4 still looks impressive (and fun) after all these years.
i was just wondering do you follow football(soccer) metal dave whoever im a huge argentina fan and cannot wait for next month
come on nintendo weres hollywood 2 gpu at 1ghz and 24mb edram 1tsram it wouldnt supprise me if they kept evolving gamecube tech im expecting a shrunk wii gpu and arm cpus in the 3DS
hollywood specs have never came out and its been said that because the wii can do extensive HDR/AA something graphics cards only running no less than 433mhz and cpu at 2.4ghz could do so its compared to a ATI R600 which is very powerful so stop this rubbish already oh i heard they are releasing specs on the hardware with a new SDK2.2 at E32010 look it up ATIR600/hollywood gpu wii
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