Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - full trailer

Am I the only one that actually likes the look of this game? I'm hearing a lot of complaining about how it's too colorful or that Nintendo should have chosen to go one direction with it and not try to combine the WW look with the TP look. I think it looks just fine the way it is. Besides, they only showed one area of the game and on top of that it's not coming out until next year. Give it a chance.


  1. I really like this art style it suits it just fine can't wait till it comes out!!!

  2. im reading its running at 60 frames a second so not only a much better game graphicaly than twilight princess , but at twice the frame rate twilight 30fps/wind waker 30 fps/oot sub 30 fps/skyward sward 60 fps great graphics and wm+ stunning

  3. It'll be like Wind Waker all over again: they'll bitch about the art style, then admire and defend it with their lives once they have the game. Fans would be fools to turn away from this game just for its graphics.

  4. I like the art style, we all know the wii can't do fully realistic and i don't think we really want that for zelda anyway. The fantasy elements of legend of zelda games suits a slightly more cartoony style and this looks like a really good middle ground!

  5. I played this game on a 100" screen (see link below) and it looks pretty awesome. The controls are spot on and the ideas surely to come in the future of this game will be great.

    The one thing I had issues with, graphics aside, was the fact that the camera seemed closer to Link's back than it has been in the past. It works great for sword combat but it took some getting used to in other aspects.

    Either way, the game looks way less serious, because of the graphics and I think that's the issue people have. It looks awesome but it looks like a cartoon. Some people just don't like watching cartoons on Saturday mornings so why would they want their Zelda to look the same way.

    I'm fine with it myself.

  6. Forgot the image.

  7. Good to know that the controls work, Travis. The E3 demo didn't give a very good impression because people were using infrared devices that prevented the Wii-mote from working properly.

  8. i love the zelda games so much i have the games majoras mask twilight princes acornia of time the four swords i am hopeing to get the skyward sword good luck zelda players

  9. Well like I read in another blog, the wind waker was beautiful, the link to the past it's to addcitive and the twilight princess it's very real, talking about the skyward sword, the haven't been release yet but I like the graphic part, the combination of wind waker and twilight princess but I will like to see the second part of the story of Midna (secondary character of the twilight), I personally think she's nice secondary character.
