Monday, July 26, 2010

Goldeneye 007 - Dam level playthrough

If you didn't get a chance to see this over the weekend, here is another chance. After watching this play-through I am a lot more confident that this game will be worth buying when it's released this November. It looks like a cross between the original Goldeneye with some Call of Duty mixed in for good measure. I like how you still can be stealthy if you want also. Hopefully we'll get to see more soon.


  1. Looks very solid.

    Where did this demonstration take place?

  2. Not sure, but it seems like it could be somewhere in London. It's not Comic-Con (I live in San Diego)I'll tell you that much

  3. I just checked, and yes it was press even in London:

  4. in London... don don don don don don don dondon get it oh well !!!!!

    it looks like COD BOND and looks far more polished and complete graphically than COD REFLEX this bodes well for COD BLACK OPs maybe the same polished wii assets tools engine is being used.....

    il be getting both if there any good

  5. Wow Goldeneye looks crisp and super slick them faces/characters are some of the best ive seen better than GTA4 ect wow the weather and character animation is some of the best ive ever seen day 1 for this and Black ops there obviously going for graphically what wii can really do cant wait.

  6. I have been keeping a very skeptic thought process about this game, even after playing the multiplayer at E3 but this video really has me impressed, for the first time.

    It really does look like COD Bond but to be honest, I'm totally fine with that. As long as the game is polished and has good replayability, as this first demo area appears to have in spades, then I'm all in.

  7. wow online will be graphically polished aswell as 2 player local i think in 4 players split scree it will be a drop in quality but i dont play 4 players 2 players or online is all i play so im likeing this game very much they need to add the new HEADBANGER HEADSET for proper wii chat ect like Conduit,Black ops need HEADBANGER aswell conduit is a must for me because they are doing everything right wii speak unless imp;emented properly is fairly rubbish and the maker of HEADBANGER says u can patch the device into previous games
