Friday, July 09, 2010

The Last Story - debut trailer!

This looks amazing. Final Fantasy meets Stealth/Melee/RPG combat all in one package. Not only does this look like it might take the "best graphics on Wii" nod but it also looks like the gameplay is going to be amazing as well. With the creator of Final Fantasy behind this game you can bet that this will have an epic and well thought out story too. You RPG haters out there, even you have to get just a tad excited for this one.....right?


  1. This is what Zelda should of looked like Epic. I can see why they didn't show this at E3, because it makes zelda look like a 64 game.

  2. Zelda definitely looks different, but it's apples and oranges if you ask me. The Last Story does look epic though.

  3. wish zelda looked like that but i'm still happy with the art decision.

  4. zelda looks awesome grow up u idiot its meant to look like a very high end cell shaded look almost cgi i read it they are also not finished with the games viuals and trust me it will be amazing

  5. I can vouch for Zelda looking very good. It's very crisp but had more of a Twilight Princess feel in the way things were designed. It's just got a colorful coating on everything.

    Either way, this game looks very, very good. As long as there aren't too many menus, the pace of the game isn't terribly slow, and it's not a 60 hour game I may very well get this.

    And I'm one of the "RPG haters" and I'm saying that. Now we've gotta hope Nintendo localizes it.

  6. well f*** you b**** did you not read what i wrote I said i'm still happy with art style they chose for it jackass.

  7. I was wondering what you're reaction would be Travis. Most RPG's these days are not a full 60 hours long, I would assume that this would be a 35-40 hour RPG in the end.

  8. no i dont want zelda looking like that and skyward sward looks amassing....its still great tho and fitting for a action rpg and thank the gods no turn based bullshit,this looks set to blow away every square game this generation ff ps3 who cares turn based crap!!!!realtime battles and motion controls bring it on

  9. The Last Story and The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword are two different beasts. It's an apples and oranges comparison. Besides, Skyward Sword is scheduled for release in 2011, so Nintendo has plenty of time to make the game as "epic" as possible.

  10. I hope they stick with nintendo and make a franchise out of it, cause its looking too good to be real, plus, Sakaguchi dude talked about it being a system seller
