Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Last Story - new trailer

This is the second amazing trailer for this highly anticipated game. I'm extremely impressed that the real-time cut-scenes and CGI are very close to each other in terms of the look of them, you almost can't tell the difference! I'm still at a loss as to what a real Wii game is supposed to look like these days. The Wii has been so watered down over the past 4 years with bad efforts and PS2 ports that it can be easy to forget that the system can actually be used to make games look really good with the right amount of care and development resources. This game is proof that the Wii can in fact do better graphically than people think. Of course by 2011 not many will care.


  1. I really, really want to like this game. It looks like an incredible story and some even better looking graphics. I just hope, once some actual gameplay footage comes out it's not too RPGy. From what I've seen so far, it's at least real-time action, so that could be my saving grace.

    But wow, this game looks really good. I also hope it doesn't take too long to bring it stateside.

  2. looking great and yes like a true wii game graphically!! 3rd party's again exposed lol......

    i love a AAA real time rpg action game there isnt enough of them and as a final fantasy hater i seriously want this game

    3DS time travelers and profesor leighton both looking shockingly epic

  3. Hey Travis, do you not like RPG's because of the long cut-scenes or the turn-based gameplay? This game looks like it will be real time action with some choices you can make during the action, maybe a tad like Mass Effect but even more real-time than that. I think it looks great all around.

  4. Metal, it's mostly the turn-based aspect I don't like. The part I dislike most with traditional RPGs is the fact.that you need to take college classes to understand how to play them effectively. I like my games a little more accessible than that.

    RPGs also tend to drag on too long for my tastes with no real reason other than to say "70 hours of gameplay" on the box. I played Twilight Princess for 72 hours on two play troughs but that was the entire game 100% twice. That says something to me.

    That's just me though.

  5. Yeah I feel you on the gameplay being 70 hours just to be 70 hours. Some games are like that. The modern RPG's of today don't seem to be that long but a lot of them are still turn based. The good news is that The Last Story looks to be real-time gameplay with a bit of a twist with a cover system and magic selecting system. I'm looking forward to it. Hopefully you are optimistic as well.

  6. I'm actually quite intrigued by the magic system because it reminds me of the magic system in Crystal Chronicles on Gamecube. I really liked the simplicity of that magic system.

    And yes, I am very optimistic his game will be very good.

  7. Has a U.S. release date been announced yet?

  8. No sir, not yet. I imagine that it will be months after the Japanese release since it takes more time getting them to do all the voice/text in English.

  9. what people forget is the wii has had graphics that eclipse ps2/cube ect for years now and has always been in the middle of say xbox/cube to 360 so wii graphics have always been good on most games and with recent games it seems to be on par with 360 easy i mean Game Engines are needed to make 360/ps3 games look as they do its not straight out the box for either so with Havoc FX on darkside chronicles and Gamebryo Lightspeed on Grinder and Quantum3 on Conduit2 ect these games have 360 graphics all im saying is when decent investment goes into wii graphics look what u get Galaxy2/Silent Hill SM/SSBB/Goldeneye 007 ect all have graphics equal to 360 its a big joke because all wii games look good just 70% of the time not quite up to 360 level but still major better than last-gen so no wrorrys.

  10. its the nonsense that is hardcore culture you even get people on neogaf trying to say ps2 is stronger or wiis weaker than gamecube utter stupidity like that and they actually believe what there saying because the industry said so or a respected core gamer (cough) at neogaf said it,they live in a fanboy fantasy bubble its rather sad....

    simple facts they love to ignore

    wii has the main ram of xbox and cube conbined plus a much much bigger bandwidth

    wiis fsb peak bandwidth is 7.8GB xbox is 1GB

    wii has 3.5 x ram and bandwidth of cube

    hollywood and broadway are upgrades not just over clocks

    starlet is a little side kick work cpu hidden in hollywood chip

    wiis fillrate is better than cube and xbox conbined

    wii has far more disc space than xbox and cube and psp disc conbined

    i mean a child could work that out yet IDIOTS AT GAF would try saying wii=psp WTFE!!!!!!

  11. 1st people will still care in 2011 if wii graphics get alot better.

    2nd If u have read all interviews on the game u will know that graphics took a back seat compared to gameplay ect and look how good them graphics are and 6 players co-op.

    3rd Last Story will be the biggest game next year with Zelda and Conduit2/Killzone3
