Monday, October 25, 2010

Sonic Colors - new trailer

Another nice looking trailer for this latest 3D Sonic game. There has been one good Sonic game so far this year with Sonic 4 and hopefully Sega can get a 3D Sonic game to actually be good also. I'm not getting my hopes way up or anything, but I am looking forward to trying it out.

1 comment:

  1. I really can't wait for this game. I'm a huge sonic fan and although most just want rid of the 3D sonic's I really want them to keep pushing it, especially as it seem's with this one they may be getting the formula right!

    By the way, sonic 4 was a good game though am I the only one irked by the price tag on the Wii version? 1500 wii points is 15 pound sterling, xbox and ps3 where going for 10 pound sterling and they're the HD versions!
