Vibrant, amazing, best Wii graphics name it for The Last Story. This looks better than a lot of PS3 games in my opinion. Can you imagine if a game like this was available in 2006 when the Wii launched?
This graphic was designed by Lorena O'Neal, you can check out more of
her work here.
Source:Video Game
Design Colleges

better water than assasin creed wow better graphics than 3/4 of ps3 games wow the wii has come of age a few games in the west with these graphics please
just shows how anti-nintendo 3rd partys only concern is too much fluff menus and setting things up i dont want a CHORE /WORK heavy game like monster hunter i want to jump in and explore/battle/rpg not have endless choices on what costume im wearing
After watching this video, and reading some of your comments, I immediately went to watch a swimming clip from Assassin's Creed 2 to tell you you're crazy. But yeah, that game had some terribly water effects.
Comparing it to, say, either Gears of War and Last Story doesn't stand a chance. But yeah, the game all around looks really good.
"Better graphics than 3/4 of PS3 games"
Rrrrrright! : )
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