Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Assassin's Creed III - Wii U Gameplay Video

There is another video that is off-screen that shows the controller while playing but unfortunately the controller really isn't being used other than displaying the map. I must say that the game looks extremely fun! I'm waiting for my friend Travis to stop by with some hands-on impressions.


  1. Well, someone from NeoGaf mentioned that Ubisoft can still make changes to the way the game can be played. And they're even open to using a Wiimote+nunchuk scheme. But they need to be convinced that it would play better.

    Anyway, the game looks amazing.

  2. asassins creed SCREAMS OUT REMOTE AND CHUCK thats physics sense commonsense and engineering sense

    fighting with motion is a no brainer shooting throwing shit with the pointer judging physics and distances again motion imagine a polished god father black hand type dead ITS TIME WII MOTION PLUS AND MOUSE POINTING GOT Drespect it deserves.....
