Thursday, June 14, 2012

ZombiU - 10 minutes of direct feed video

E3 is over and so is all the off-screen video footage. Finally we get an audio/visual display of the Wii U being played directly from the video source. The game looks extremely fun and startlingly scary in some parts.


  1. watching that cross-hair with no courser literally makes my blood boil... and watching the camera move in robotic scrolls, instead of one single continued movement is also froth at the mouth zombi style...sniper works well and all the dual screen play but the sixaxis motion is an insult TO EVERY SINGLE PERSON WHO BACKED THE Wii AND MOTION CONTROLS

    to watch gaming press go on about how cool and core it is with its ps3 controller motion and aim is an insult to every TRUE GAMER im all for the wiiu pad but boooooyyyy not in fps or other type core aiming shooting like experience games,, the thought of screen scrolling the stick after 6 years of wii remoting SORRY AINT HAPPENING I REFUSE TO SELL OUT TO SONYIZM !!!!!

    the same apply s to assassins creed 3 watch the e3 demos the camera moves in robotic blocks as you stick scroll it and aiming is also mechanical LOL THE GUYS LIKE A NINJA HIT MAN WHY WOULD HE CONTROL LIKE ROBOCOP VALID POINT BY A TRUE GAMER

    now imagine the smooth natural controls and wm+ true motion in both the games i mentioned THE THOUGHT OF SCROLLING THE SCREEN LIKE A WEB PAGE IS TWO GENS OLD FOR CHRIST SAKE

    cross bows and swards and knifes and baseball bats cricket bats etc all scream wm+ and pointer im fed up with SO CALLED CORE games moving in BLOCKS even that watch dog demo was doing it

    and im thinking why not haver point and motion so this game moves sweet and smooth and aiming is precise and natural and fighting combat using your cosh stick is realistic

    imagine a polished wm+ version of godfather black hands controls in say WATCH DOG OR ZOMBIU

    industry get a grip or i stop playing STOPING SELLING ME THAT SONYFIED GAMING IS CORE THAT IS TOTAL BS

  2. MADCATS are calling there pro copy a PRO FPS CONTROLLER i give up thats it end the world now hardlycores won true gamers lost the whole industry has gone loco nuts mental

    it isn't a fps controller you idiot people,,metaldave shut down the blog the world has got SONY ZOMBI infected and everyone is now stupid LOL @ PRO FPS CONTROLLER
