Thursday, October 04, 2012

Monster Hunter 3: Ultimate - Wii U Screens

Keep in mind that this game is directly based off the 3DS game released last year in Japan. This time however, the game is running at 1080p with some nice improvements to the textures and character models. 


Anonymous said...

Well, I'm sorry to spoil this for everyone, but both the geometry and textures don't look that good to me. Check the log on the pedestal (Picture 1 - lower right corner), the rope textures wrapped around beams of wood (again Pic 1), the feet of the character are just a rectangle and the sand is low quality (Pic 2). Oh, well...

Anonymous said...

its a 3DS port and up resoultion so your anti wiiu analysis just FAILED HARD

what part of keep in mind do you not understand !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

@anonymous it's because it's based on the 3ds game. It won't look that great (still better than wii). The textures have just been up-ressed.