Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Mario Kart 8 Patch coming 8/27/14!

A Nintendo Insider (Cheesemeister) has revealed that Nintendo will patch Mario Kart 8 on 8/27/14 and shared some of the things that will be patched:

- Map display to be able to be on the TV screen

Records screen with total coins, online win-loss record, character selection rates, etc. being added

Default menu selection following GP changing to "next race" 

Last used kart customization added to save.

3 free DLC Mercedes-Benz karts: GLA, W25 Silver Arrow, 300 SL Roadster.

- Improved Online Stability

Link to Info 

This is great news! I know for a fact on this patch Nintendo directly listened to the fans requests for these certain types of fixes to the game. All you who participated on the GAF thread that I created, and those who voted on the other top 10 most wanted patch requests thread are to be thanked just as much as Nintendo is for listening. 

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