Wednesday, May 08, 2019

Here's Why The 4K mCable For GameCube + Wii Is A MUST OWN (Review)

The mCable promises a lot for 480p content. We put the GameCube, Wii and even the Wii U to the test. How does it stack up? Lets find out.

Buy the mCable here: Amazon

Games tested: GC: Rogue Squadron 2 & 3 Wave Race Blue Storm Soul Calibur 2 Burnout 2 F-Zero GX Star Fox Adventures & Assault Wii: Resident Evil 4 Mario Kart Wii Metroid Prime Trilogy (all 3 games) Wii U: Mario Kart 8 Breath of the Wild Xenoblade Chronicles X Bayonetta 2

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